"Ohhh I like it sounds exotic"

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Luna's pov

"I'm so stupid, I hate myself, I can't even talk normally. I just made a fool out of myself. Ugh someone just kill me now!" I say the last sentence a little louder now that I'm in my apartment leaning against the door.

"Well I think I'll go to jail for that" someone says causing me to jump in fear dropping all of my things to the floor.

"Oh my god Paisley, I think my heart just stopped" I say holding my hand on my heart.

"Sorry" she says setting her cup down on the side table that's next to my couch.

"What took you so long?" She asks.

"I should be the one asking the questions" I say shaking my head.

"Sorry I know where you keep the spare key" she says laughing. "So did you find my book?" She asks resting her elbows on the counter looking at me.

"Yeah... about that" I say trailing off.

"You didn't get my book?" She asks

"No sorry" I say with a lop sided frown.

"What happened" Paisley asked looking concerned now. This is why Paisley is my best friend even if I failed by not getting her what she needed, she knew why.

"I- um ran into someone. Like literally walked into them. Then he started talking to me and I freaked and ran out and kind of forgot about your book. I'm sorry" I say sighing. I honestly hate the fact that I can't go in public and interact with people like any other normal person.

"Wait did you say he?" Paisley asks perking up basically forgetting the fact I forgot about her book that could make or break her grade in that class.

"Yeah" I say dragging out the word not really knowing why she was asking this but hey if she's not asking about the book I'm all for it.

"Was he cute? What was his name? Was he tall? Did he smell good? Did he talk to you after you ran away? Because if he ran after you after you ran away from him damn girl he's like already wrapped around your finger." She exclaims laughing at my confused face mostly trying to remember every question she just asked me.

"His name was Calum" I say choosing only to answer that question because god knowdls what Paisley will do if I answer all of them.

"Ohhh I like it sounds exotic" she says wiggling her eyebrows. I roll my eyes before going I to the freezer to grab some ice cream.

"He has an accent" I say turning back around once I find my cookies n' cream ice cream container.

"Shit that's hot" she exclaims. I just look at her funny scooping my ice cream into my mouth.

"You have problems" I say laughing making her laugh to.

We are interrupted by Paisleys phone going off. She holds up a finger to me as she answers her phone.

"Hello" she says. I can't hear who's on the other side or what they are saying but I can tell from Paisley's sudden body language change its someone she obviously doesn't want to talk to.

"The key is where its always at!" She says a little louder.

"Well I'm sorry that you steal all the laundry baskets so I can never do laundry!" She shouts again. And with that I realize it's Paisley's roommate Deena. Paisley honestly hates her, I mean I would too she's like lowkey obsessed with Paise.

"Oh my god my bed does not smell like sex. I haven't even had sex in three months!" Paisley exclaimed in disgust. I chocked on my ice cream at her bluntness trying not to die from milk.

"Ok you know what because I'm so hard to live with. I'm moving out. Ha how dose that sound!" Paisley exclaims as I'm still choking my eyes now starting to water but she hasn't noticed.

"I'll be there in twenty to pack my things" she says in a snooty way before ending the call letting out a sigh of frustration, I'm still choking on now milk becasue its melted ice cream now.

"Oh my god I can't believe her she's fucking crazy!" She exclaims starting to pace back a and forth. And I just silently choke on milk feeling like this is how I'm going to die.

"Like bitch you fuck more guys than I do so if anyone's bed smells like sex it's yours!" She says flipping her hair before resting her elbows on the island. I'm like bent over now trying to stop chocking. Finally Paisley looks up and sees I'm dieing.

"Oh my god Luna!" She shouts frantically before rushing over to me making me stand up straight over the sink before patting my back. I cough a couple times before burping and being able to breath.

"Are you ok?" She asks with wide eyes.

"Yeah just almost died from eating ice cream." I say wiping my mouth with a paper towel.

"Now why would you do that?" She asks with all seriousness. I just stare at her with the most shocked expression ever. Like yes Paise I wanted to choke on my ice cream, it's my dream to have on my grave stone that I died from chocking on ice cream. Sometimes I wonder how she got into collage.

I just shake my head before taking a drink of water before speaking. "So you're moving out?" I ask.

"I mean I kind of did say I'll be there to get my things." She says with a little laugh I just glare at her making her laugh more.

"So where are you going to live?" I ask lebaig against the counter.

"I actually have no clue, the dorm advisor hates me because of Deena and I always fighting." She says sighing.

"Why don't you just I've in with me?" I ask shrugging. I mean living in a apartment by yourself gets kinda lonely no matter how much I love being alone.

"Oh my god really?" She asks in disbelief her face lighting up.

"Why not my apartment isn't that far from your school so its not that bad, and I won't steal your laundry baskets." I say laughing.

"Oh my god yes!" She shouts embracing me in a hug that is as not expecting. "Thank you thank you thank you!" She kept repeating in our hug.

"No need to thank me, but I would go get your stuff before Deena throws it out." I tell her patting her head to tell her to let go.

"Good call." She says quickly letting go before grabbing her bag and phone and heading towards the door.

"I'll be back in a little, roomie!" She says waving before rushing out the door. I just wave and laugh before heading to my room waiting for Paise to come back. It should be interesting living with her.


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