Hold Up! What Do You Mean Daughter of an Alpha? (6)

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Note: Hey there! It's been a few days since I've updated, and I can't help but feel bad for not updating regularly, so this is a longer-than-usual chapter! Hope you enjoy.

I dedicated this chapter to loversoul because she's my fairy princess. Check out her new story! You won't regret it.

P/S She even said she was scared her story wasn't going to be good enough but that girl... She needs to lose some of that fairy dust. Haha jk. You know I love you! ♥



Xander’s glistening eyes flickered down to my lips, and I couldn’t help but blush at that. Of course, I mentally slapped myself for being such a girl, and pulled away from his embrace.

“Am…” My brother cooed, opening his arms to embrace me once again but instead of complying, I ran away.

Yes, the great saviour of ninjas ran away like a little baby.

One part of me was expecting that he’d chased me down the hallway, but the other part just wanted to get away from the madness.

When silence was left trailing behind me, I entered my room and quickly shut the door, leaning on it for support.

What did I just do? That thought kept humming in my head.

However, when I rifled my pocket, I realised that I had to do what I did – I did it for the note. Slowly unfolding the crumpled paper, I then read it carefully.

‘Be my guest at 12am

I know what lies behind that man…

If you are seeking answers for maths or so,

12am, be my guest.

Confused – that was what I was. Sauntering over to my bed, I plonked onto it and threw the thoughts of the earlier fiasco to a deep pit in my head, fully concentrating deciphering the note.

“Rah! What in the stinking unicorn eating smurf-like daisy is this trying to say?” I rambled, tangling my hands in my hair in frustration.

As if on cue, my stomach rumbled and I hid the note under my covers before heading to the kitchen. Fortunately, there was no sight of my dad or Xander on my way there.

Pierce grinned when he saw me come through the double doors. He was having his break, sitting on a bar stool at the bar in the far corner of the huge kitchen.

I quickly paced towards him, and before I could open my mouth, Pierce lifted up a hand to stop me and started speaking, “You’re hungry and you want some of my famous ol’ juicy New York Strip?”

That guy could become my mind-reading right-hand man…

“Yes please!” I perked up, and Pierce chuckled before heading to his station and putting on his chef hat smartly.

While he was preparing the ingredients, I took his place on the bar stool and mindlessly asked, “Hey Chef, what do you think about secretive notes?”

He arched an eyebrow at me, “Well, when I was your age and still in high school, I used to write secret notes that only my wife and I would understand. Bob, my best friend, always peeked at my love notes, so I decided to use double-meaning words. Oh, Bob was fuming mad when he couldn’t understand my words!”

His words drilled deep into my mind – using words only the writer and the receiver would be able to understand… That was a good point, since Cade obviously knew about how much attention he’d been receiving from my family.

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