#3 Hola Highschool, Hola Friends and Hola enemies

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It was 5:00 when I woke up in the morning. On rare mornings like these when I couldn't fall back asleep I usually did a 10 mile run and then some kind of workout.

But today morning was different I had my first day of highschool in exactly 3 hours. I decided to run my 10 miles and do a shorter workout so that I had a reasonable amount of time to get ready. Finishing the 10 miles in 46 minutes- record time, and completing a few simple exercises I dashed upstairs and took the much needed hot water shower. Wrapping my hair in one of the towels on the counter and another around my body I stood in my dressing room wondering what the hell I should wear. Half of my clothes were still in the shopping bags and a quarter of them scattered all over the carpet floor.

Wait, what happened to the old me who didn't give two shits about what other people thought about her? Yeah, that was still me deep down. So I chose a simple black tank top and paired it with some super skinny blue ripped jeans. I then tied a checked cardigan around my waist and skipped downstairs to the kitchen which was already my second favorite room in the house.

Quickly munching on a granola bar, after the fruit salad, cereal, eggs, and muffin I checked the time. It was 7:53 and yes, its only because of the 1 hour bath. I had 7 minutes to cover the 2 mile distance to school by foot. My father offered to drop me to school but the last thing I want at this point is to come across as dependent. On my dad.

I ran along the sidewalk, my red hair which was tied up in a high ponytail swishing behind me.

I reached school on time and waved hi to Ahanna who arrived a second later in her moms car. Both of us had our licenses but we didnt have cars yet. And honestly, if I could choose a vehicle it'd definitely be a motorbike not a car. I learnt how to drive one last year with the help of my most badass, gym owning friend- Derek.

I walked the crowded halls next to Ahanna and we made our way to the help desk.

"Hello, how may I help you two?"

"We're new to this school this year.." Ahanna began. "And we need our schedules and locker combos." I finished for her.

"Oh sure ladies. It'll just take a second." She scurried away.

"Why did you do that?" Ahanna hissed at me.

"I did what?" I asked genuinely confused.

"You scared the lady off you dimwit. Maybe you shouldn't look so fierce all the time."

"Excuse me but I cant exactly edit all my features now, can I." I argued. She opened her mouth to argue back, but the help lady was back handing us two folders.

"Thanks." I said making an effort to smile. The thing was, smiling didn't really come naturally to me, not anymore and all the pain taken to do it didn't really seem worth the result.

I and Ahanna split paths. We wouldn't be seeing much of each other in school. My first period was Math. To say I was pleased was an understatement. And no, I am not being sarcastic. Math was the only subject I could really relate to. I head to the class with a notebook and pen in my hand and went to room 205B. Half the class was already filled and I walked over to the back of the classroom seating myself in the corner.

I was twiddling my thumbs and drumming my fingers on the table when the class suddenly became quiet. I looked towards the entrance expecting to have my first glance of my math teacher, instead my vision was blocked by a tight black muscle tee which gave a clear view of the yummiest eight-pack I have ever seen. Zac Efron included. I looked up and found myself looking at the same sexy specimen that I had a tiny accident with yesterday. What did Ahanna say his name was? Knife or sword or something.

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