Chapter 12- Wedding: Part 2

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Snow POV:

But 2 weeks later will be even better.

Tris POV:

We move after my talk with Katniss, and getting something to eat.

Finnick is coming with us but Prim is staying back at their house. Katniss says she has look after her for her mum and dad.( A/N: I know that Katniss and Prim mum is not dead, but for this story she is.)

After we exit distract 12, we headed back to the clearing between both of our places.

On the run, I had a chance to think of what they are doing to Four. Are they slowly killing him? Beating him? Or hurting him emotionally? Or even with different serum's?

I could help but think what they are doing to him and Peeta. But thinking about this does not make me upset, alone, or even not knowing what to do. But it makes me anger, that someone can be so cold heart to do this to enough person who lives on this plant. Why would you even think about doing it? I only kill to people who need to be killed. Like I will kill Jeanine and who ever this Snow person is.


"We are in the clearing between both of our places. Is it?" Finnick can be really dumb at times.

Like all the way here, he keep asking me if I was single. I would be like 'Yes, I am single. We are just going to save my best friends boyfriend. No you dummy. We are going to save MY boyfriend. So could you shut up now, I would like to run.' That did shut him up, at least to me.

"I don't know. Dose it look like a clearing?" I think Finnick is getting sick and tried of my attitude to him. Well not one ask if he wanted to go. Oh wait, Katniss did.

Four could all ways deal with my attitude, no matter what type of attitude I was giving him. If I had my sarcastic attitude, to a 'I want to kill anyone who speaks to me'.


We have been looking around the clearing for the passed 3 hours and we have nothing that could help us find Four and Peeta.

Just then I hear a faint sound of music. Music? Why would music be heard all the way out here.

I started to move toward the music, and I could hear my brother calling me back in. But I carried on moving. Yo never know. I could find something that could help us.

I look behind me and see everyone looking at me. Still all calling my name. Still telling me to stop.

I as moving forward shocked about what I am seeing. I saw what looked like a wedding.

But what shocked me the most was that I could see Four. I could see him and I could see the Peeta guy too.

"Guys! Get your butt here now. You want to see this." I say, not even turning around to look at them. yet I know that they are all coming.

I look around to see all their faces. They all looked shocked. Christian looks back at me and smiles. And she also moths the words 'Four. You your Four.' My Four is ok. He is safe. For now, but I can see.

I look to wards Katniss, and she jumps at me and pulls me into a hug. I am so happy that I found what she was look for.

Once she let goes of me I look back at Four and see him look at the group.

I cant see where his eyes are, but I know they are on us. Then just like I always get when Four looks at me, he looks at me. I know he his. His head moved and see that he has relaxed more. And then he gives me that side smirk that he gives me when he knows what I am doing.

I remove my eyes off of him and too to a person in a tux. Snow. I just know that is him. He looks just like Katniss and Gale said he did.

I look back at Four to see that he still looking at me but slight confused. I nod my head to the side, showing him that I was looking at Snow. I saw his mouth move and Snow looking over at him.

The next thing Snow did, made me want to walk down there and shoot him to bits. I kicked Four in the gut. IN THE GUT!!!!! I know Four want feel it, or it want leave a mark. But still.

"He kicked Four." I say low, I was saying to myself but everyone looked over to me. Caleb put his hand on my shoulder as a sign that he is there.

"What was that Tris? What did you say about Four." Christian slowly and calm. How can she be so calm at all of this.

"HE KICKED FOUR IN THE GUT. AND I CANT GO DOWN THERE WITHOUT GETTING US ALL KILLED FOR IT. And kills me know that I cant help him when he would help me no matter what." At the end of this I was in tears. Caleb, Christian and Katniss all tried to hug me, but I want not let them.

I look back to Four, and saw him staring at me. And he was shaking his head, to say stop crying. This only made me cry more.

All I want to do is hold him. Is the now too much?

Four POV:

I look to see that Will, Christian and Caleb were all looking down on this place. What the hell are they doing here? But more importantly, where is Tris?

I look all over the group and spotted her. Right on the end.

She safe. She with her friends. And by the looks of things, new friends. Good at least she is not alone.

Right now she is talking to Christian, with the light in her eyes what I have missed. The she moves on to someone else. She looks similar to the girl Peeta told me about. What is her name??

Katniss. Maybe she is. And she pulls her into a hug. I love see Tris happy. She doesn't normal hug anyone apart from me.

I look over to see Tris looking in to my eyes. The smile never leaving her face. I am so happy that she is safe.

I think I thought that to many time.

I give her my smirk, what I know she loves. But them her eyes leave mine. But mine does not leave hers. I start getting confused at way she is looking away. But when her eyes meet mine again, I can see her head move towards Snow.

This made me let out a row of curse words.

And what got snow to look over to me. He brings his foot up to my gut and kicks it. Hard, but it still want leave a mark on my tummy.

I look over to see Tris crying and yelling. I don't know what she is yelling about.

No she saw what happen. No she crying at the fact she cant help.

I saw some people try to hug her, but I know she only lets me hug he in things like this.

I meet eyes again, and more tears come out of her eyes.

All I can do is shake her head, but that makes her cry harder.

I wish I could go up to her and pull her into a hug. And tell her everything will be ok, and tell her to stay strong.

I wish.

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