Welcome to the island of Thratho, we have only one school , one hospital, one police station, and other facilities we usually have only one. Only fewer than 500 lives here. You asked where we came from? We are all descendant from a English man who is stranded here. But I cannot say that we are from UK or something but we speak English. Life in a remote island is actually fun, you almost know every people who live here, and they are nice. We are somewhere located in the middle of Pacific Ocean. No, we are not like you stereotype that we are low IQ island dwellers, we are actually educated thanks to missionaries who are wiling to donate school books.
Oh, I also have a friend... Her name is Mayaxine Anderson... She dies her hair green and likes to hang out with me to watch the waves. When you live in a small island, you are sick of seeing water in every direction.
Oh and we have neighbor islands, they are close, but we usually prefer to be isolated.
We are yes, decent from a English man, but because of isolation, we have a different world and beliefs. We believe in supernatural and of invisible force. What's our government? Nothing, we are almost ruled by our wise old men who knows the island clearly than us.
"____! Let's ride a bike and go to the most remote place here"
I rolled my eyes. Really Maya? She must be finding a way to get us all in trouble but since I am curious as her, I followed her to get her bike from her parents' garage.
Luckily, Maya's parents are working so we got the bike easily. She even snatch a cookie or two from their fridge.
"Hey, we can't go there if we have an empty stomach"
"That is not surprising from you" I replied.
We always talk about the remotest part in the island since we are kids. There is a rumor that fairies and spirits lives here. How fancy if we met one and even take a picture of it!
But, the grown-ups always warns us that going there is off limits. But why? The place is not even named and not even in the map, so well.... that is our reason why we are curious going there. Maybe we are the first actual humans who step on it!
Maya sits on the bike and I did the same, I let her ride the bicycle this time.
We rode our bicycles until we saw the warning sign which is clearly plastered with charms and STOP AND GO BACK TO THE ROAD vandals.
Well... Here's goes nothing... Dangerous and stupid but exciting.
Maya is the first one to crawl underneath the signs which is nailed to two tall trees. The rusty gate is locked so we have no choice but crawl. I don't know how Maya crawled in without getting stuck.
"Hey, ____! Now it's your turn!"
I drop my helmet and crawled underneath. I can feel my shirt is getting muddy and my pants...
"Hurry! I think someone saw us!" Maya scared me.
I quickly pull myself besides her and lie on the mud for a while. Maya pull out a clean shirt from her still clean satchel and gave it to me. I changed and stand besides her.
"What now?-"
"____! Your hand is bleeding!" Maya cried while pointing to my right hand.
I instantly looked at my hand and saw blood dripping, I search for open wound or bruise but found nothing. strange...
"Here" Tearing a part of her dress, Maya put the torn piece of her lavender dress on my hand and tied it. "Damn it, I forgot to bring some disinfectant or anything"

Fate/ Darkened Heart (3rd Fake Holy Grail War Reader Insert) REWRITTEN
FanfictionIn the remote island of Tratho, a fake holy grail war started. You are chosen as a master of one of the seven servants. You are not supposed to summon Gilgamesh, the Archer class; but this is a fake ritual, where rules does not exist (This is the...