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Third Person's POV.

After announcing with the same horn the elves of Rivendell rode in and circled around a group of travellers, not to box them in only to avoid trampling them. The blonde, red caped woman trotted over to the familiar grey man and dismounted, handing off her horse after feeding him an apple and giving instructions on being good. When the leader dismounted he spoke to the wizard about what had happened, words about Thordis came up and as she heard her name from the wizard. "I thank you for finding our companion, her...um admirer was worried and wouldn't stop fretting." Thordis could only understand bits and pieces having only studied the Elven culture and ways, but she found more interest in the ways of the dwarves. Their loyalty was strong and different from that of the elves, men and hobbits.

"Lord Elrond I would like to introduce Thordis daughter of Thor. She has taken it upon herself to be a sort of saviour to our company." Drawing her out of her thoughts she turned to the introduced elf and gave a small formal bow of respect. To which was returned with a kind greeting. "I apologize for not giving you my name earlier, Lord Elrond but as is to protect myself I needed secrecy till I knew of your intentions, you see I am new to this place and no matter my findings nothing is as it seems." His dark brows arched at this girl's way of speech, it was so regal and well mannered even with the slight insult which was disregard because of her polite manner. "I understand. It is in your right to protect yourself." The blonde Asgardian bowed again and walked over to her friends and was fretted over profusely by Thorin.

"Are you okay? You weren't hurt were you?" He gushed trying to get a good look at her as she giggled as his fingers poked ticklish spots, making others of the company smile and burst in roars of laughter. "Come we will give you something to eat and a place to rest." The Elven Lord said smoothly drawing everyone's attention. Much to Thorin's relief, even though he kept it to himself. "Lady Thordis, we can set up a room for you, come with me I'll lead you there." Lindir said having been introduced by Gandalf earlier. "Thank you." The brown haired elf lead the woman to a room next door to a young man, he told her it was prepared for her and that he would send a handmaiden to help her bathe and dress for dinner in two hours. She thanked him again and went inside. The room was simple, with pale green marble and silver trimmings. The sheets and blankets a pale lavender, and white. The dressers and vanity silver wood, carved delicately. By the window she set down Mjölnir. And put her helmet on the bed along with her armour and red cloak. In only her leather bodice and pants she sat on the rail of her balcony. Admiring the view of this elvish kingdom. A soft startled gasp fluttered out from the balcony next to her, turning to see who, she smiled at the young man there.

He must at least be 19. With wavy brown hair and shining storm grey eyes, "hello." She greeted. Interest gleaming in her bright oceanic blue eyes. "I'm Thordis, it's nice to meet you..." The teen; He pondered if he should give his name to this strange but really beautiful woman. But he realized it was okay because he felt nothing dangerous coming from her, "Aragorn, my name is Aragorn." Only a foot in the distance between balconies she reached over and ruffled his soft brown hair. A knock on her door, drew her attention away from the boy. "I got to go, but maybe we can talk later?" He nodded and retreated into his room. Answering the door. She was greeted by a elf-woman. She was tall but two inch shorter than Thordis, her hair was black and straight. And her eyes were a dark brown.

"I'm Thistle, Lord Lindir sent me to assist you." Thordis nodded and left the woman in. After stripping for the readied bath she got in and washed off, letting the girl wash her long blonde hair. When the bath was done she got out and dried off and was put into a white high collared dress with long sleeves. Putting on her necklace she received from Thorin the elf styled her hair as it curled naturally as it air dried. Not wanting any heavy makeup she only wore blush red lipstick and light brushes of silver eyeshadow. Before leaving the room, barefoot was what she liked and the stone floors felt amazing after a hot bath. Arriving at the dinner table everyone sat at, it was incredibly quiet for a group of dwarves. Thorin met her at the bottom of the stairs and sat her in a seat next to him.

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