Chapter 19

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Important Note on the end :)

Please read it

Well have fun while reading :)xx


" So this is my room ?" I asked looking around. Well at least I have a sense of style, I thought silently.

" Yep. And that's the bathroom." Harry pointed at the far left corner bouncing his curls a little.

Okay I ain't gon lie but I have a hot ass boyfriend, just saying.

" Do you know what that is ?" He asked pointing at a white painted wooden door.

" My closet." I smiled.

" Progress." He clapped showing off his deep dimples.

"Meh." I smiled proudly.

" You haven't changed, not a bit at all." He helped my way to the bed making sure not to bend or move a single bone in my body, especially my rib.

" That's good, right .. ?" I trailed off sitting on the bed.

" It's great actually." He answered removing a pillow out of the way.

" So do you want me to give you some time for yourself or to stay here and watch over you ?

We can go to the boys' or you can go out with El and Dani for Starbucks like usually or maybe

call Kera or your family and update them I mean the sky's the limit." Harry suggested all in one breathe.

" Breath !" I laughed making him inhale.

" Well,my head's pounding like crazy so I guess I'll sleep ?" I said feeling a little guilty.

" Yeah sure." He agreed.

He leaned down to kiss me goodbye, except I jerked away making his lips land on my cheeks.

" Right. I'm-m .. I'm sorry-y." He apologized.

" No its fine, I just .. This whole .." I trailed off waving my hands around as if they made sense either.

" Its just too much to take in all at once, you know ?" I continued trying to get my point straight.

" Yeah, defiantly. I'll just let you enjoy your nap then." He let out a hurt smile as he made his

way to the door.

Well fudge. The fact he already looks like a cupcake made me feel even worse.

I sighed into my pillow in frustration. I really can't help it ! I remember going out shopping with El for

that perfect red dress I wore in the premiere. I also remember when Zayn wouldn't stop texting

me cheesy quotes when I broke up with J. I don't even wanna say his dammed name(read past chapters for info). Niall finishing all the food in the cupboard every time he comes over.

Seriously ALL the food, there's no off switch.

Are you getting my point here ?

I just can't remember the feeling of actually being in love with Harry. I feel like I love him

but not in love with him. Does it make sense ? Because to me, it sure as hell does.

Being in love is just a whole another totally different feeling. Their touch against your skin electrifies you,

the good kind of electricity. Having them hold you comforts you and makes you feel safe. The soft tangled

feeling of both of your lips joining together ignites all shapes and colors of fireworks. Hearing them

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