chapter 24

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" Say that again ?" I raised an eyebrow.

" I'm just saying, there's another gentleman sitting right here." His fingers played with the straw hanging from his drink.

" That's funny, when you see one let me know" I meanly smiled.

" Fine. Did you get my text ?" Josh asked not ready to give up any minute now.

" No."

" Really ?"

" Actually yes, but I ignored that shit."

" What's your problem ?" His knuckles spasming into a fist.

" Why can't you just leave me alone ? You're the one who cheated !" I spased.

Next thing I know my body is pushed and scratched against the rough surface of the brick wall. Two pair of hands holding my wrists against my will leaving no chance of escaping the unwanted grip.

" Dude ! What the fuck ?" I yelled in both pain and frustration.

" When I ask you what's your problem, you answer me !" He hissed as his skintight clench was sure to leave marks on my tiny wrist.

" Get off !" I screamed in help over the loud music.

" Where's Harry now ?" He whispered closely into my ear making me struggle even more .

" Right here." I heard the familiar husky voice as Josh's grip and body were ripped off of me.

" You never treat her like that ! Or any lady !" Harry spat punching him in the face.

" Stop !" I protested gripping his flexing biceps preventing a second punch.

" I-I'm sorry-y." Harry apologized noticing the fear in my eyes.

" Can we just go home ?" I complained quietly as the music turned off and eyes roaming the recent situation in horror.

I didn't need an answer to my question as I walked out of Zayn's place not wanting anything to do with this anymore. My shaky fingers wiped the trails of the tears away. I unlocked the car not giving Harry permission to drive judging by his bloody knuckles.

" What was going on ?" He asked sitting down.

" Can we not talk about this ?" I answered with another question without maintaining eye contact.

My bruised wrists reached for the first aid kit as my free one close the cabinet.

" What did he say ?" Harry walked clutching his hands as if that helps with the pain.

" Just sit." I instructed at the chair tearing open the large sized bandage.

" Will you at least talk to me ?" He kept his hand steady as I applied pressure.

" What do you want me to say ? What ? The fact that my ex just freaking pinned me against-"

" I'm sorry." Harry interrupted me.

" I'm sorry too." A tear fell as his normal hand brushed it away.

" At least you made it there in time. I don't know what would've happened if you did-"

My blabbering was interrupted once more, only this time having his lips tangling over mine.

" No ! " Niall yelled.

" Give me a reason not to !" Eleanor giggled clenching her grip on his phone.

" Becauseeee .. I like Rebecca and that text will ruin it !" Niall pouted.

" Why ? It says exactly what you want to do to her ? Dear Rebecca, you're like a tree and I just wanna climb you up. You're so fit that you sexually frustrate me." She teased.

" Owww Niall is gonna get it in !" Harry joked drawing a heart in the air.

" Guys seriously ! Stop !" Niall reached for the blackberry.

" Nope nopie nope dooou." Eleanor's rhythmic tone echoed.

" You're battery acid, El." Zayn shook his head in disapproval.

" Calm down children." I rose my head up high imitating a mother's tone as I set the crackers on the table

" Babe." Louis reached for her wrist.

" Yeah ?" Eleanor replied with a sincere smile.

" You're so beautiful. And I love you so much." Louis paused making her smile stretch even more."So stop being such a cunt !" He finished snatching the blackberry creating the biggest plot twist ever.

" Well played, Tommo." I choked through my uncontainable laughter.

" I like to play it rough and exciting." Louis flipped his hear to the side proudly.

" He likes it rough and exciting !" Harry bursted into fits of laughter clapping his hands.

" Rough." I sexually groaned shortly joining his fits.

" They spend way way too much time together." Liam said as the whole room stared awkwardly in the sexual silence we created.

" What ? Do you not get it ? " I asked.

" I do not wanna know what you guys do in bed .." Niall trailed off.

" Oh Jesus." Harry facepalmed.

" Bell ! The food !" Eleanor alarmingly stood up.

" Oh fuck." I freaked out making my way to the kitchen.

" You had one job ! " Niall yelled behind us.

Eleanor and I decided to take charge of dinner for the night, only that didn't turn out so great.

" Oh thank the lawd ! " I whispered placing the warm clear glass tray on the black and white marble designed counter.

" We did it !" Eleanor hip thrusted, apparently that's her idea of a happy dance.

" You girls are the best." Niall grabbed a fork ready to take a bite.

" What ? No !" I protested slapping his hand away.

" It smells good !"

" No !"

" But it loo-"

" Leave !" Eleanor shooed.

" Is there a stomach off switch on that boy ?" I ran my fingers through my hair.

" Not possible." She chuckled grabbing the shiny clean plates from the dish washer.

" Oh by the way." I remembered while outlining the plates with the cups.

" Yeah ?" Her eyes never left the table.

" Harry and I made beach plans for tomorrow. Wanna come with ?" I asked.

" Can't. It's that time of the month." She groaned.

" You can chill and tan a little." I nodded in understanding.

" Yes ! That sounds so good." Eleanor sealed the promise with a smile.

" But wait, we always get them in the same time." She continued with a question.

" How many days has it been since you started ?" I sloppily arranged the last cup.

" Three." She whispered raising an eyebrow.

" El I'm never late ! " My palm found it's way shielding my gasping mouth.

HarrysBum :)

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