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Dear Estella,

Do you ever feel that humans are like raindrops?

It's really high up in the sky first, among other raindrop friends. They talk and chit-chat and have fun, because they're all united in one cloud. But when catastrophe falls and they go to war against each other, clashing and stabbing and betraying, they all fall on the ground, one by one, piece by piece.

And when the drop of water collides onto the hard floor, if you notice closely, it will scatter in all directions. Break into tiny pieces.

Then it's nothing.

It's gone. Forgotten.

I feel like I'm a raindrop, falling down, down, down, so fast I can't see the path ahead me.

I need you to be my sun and make me a rainbow.

I also need to stop sounding so cheesy.


Dear EstellaWhere stories live. Discover now