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Dear Estella,

Why are you ignoring me?

You didn't even tell me you were going out with David. I overheard someone in school, and then I saw you and him together at a lunch table.

Our lunch table.

The very last one in the right row, next to the window. We'd selected it the first time because I loved seeing the birds on the trees, hearing them chirp with their mellifluous voices, and since that day onwards, we'd always sit there.

You were holding a slice of pizza against his lips, giggling and telling him to open his mouth. He took a big bite and then you guys laughed, and you wiped the cheese that had smeared on his lips.

It was so painful to watch.

I went and cried in the bathroom for an hour.

Why are you doing this to me?


Dear EstellaWhere stories live. Discover now