Chapter 1

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How do you begin a story that hurts to tell but needs to be told? I guess you have to start at the beginning. My life wasn't easy. It wasn't what some would call hard, or bad, but it definitely wasn't easy by far. 

My early childhood was normal for the most part. I had a mom and a dad, ok grades in school, and didn't get into any major trouble, but that all ended when he showed up. 

Jonchristopher was a gorgeous man. He towered over everyone and took my breath away with his crystal blue eyes. He wasn't fat, but also wasn't very muscled. I guess you would call it lean. It was hard for me to ignore someone with such an immense presence. As soon as he walked into a room, you knew he was there. 

He first walked into my life when I was 13. He showed up on my doorstep and asked for my father by name. 

"He's out. Can I take a message or call him for you?" I asked. 

"Call him please. It's important," was his curt reply. 

"What's your name so I can tell him who's asking for him?" 

"Just tell him Jon's here and it's urgent." 


So I called, got no answer and sent the gorgeous, frustrated man on his way. A few days later, the man stopped by again. I answered it and found him agitated and flustered. 

"Can I help you?" I inquired. 

"Where's your dad?" he replied. 

"In his ro..." I tried to tell him as he shoed his way into our home. 

My initial reaction was to push him back and scream for my father, but he looked directly into my eyes and every inhibition I had disappeared. I instantly felt as if I had known this strange man for years, eons even. But that couldn't be possible. I was only 13 and had only seen him once before in my short life. 

As he almost ran back to my fathers room, it occurred to me that he knew an awful lot about my home for never having entered it before. 

He threw the door open and my father jumped up out of surprise. 

"Jon?" he exclaimed incredulously. 

"Yeah. We need to talk. Now," Jon answered in a rushed tone. 

"Follow me to a more private area and we can talk freely." 


So they retired to my fathers study where they remained for a good three hours before emerging together. My father came out looking flustered and lost while this Jon character emerged looking strong and confident. 

"What did you do to my father?" I accused as he tried to pass me in the hallway. 

"Nothing. If he wants to share the news with you, then it's his responsibility. I'll see you in five years though." 

"What do you mean?" I asked, but my question went unanswered as he disappeared. 

My father never did tell me what they had talked about that day, but I ended up finding out in my own way.


It was the eve of my 18th birthday when Jon decided to walk back into my life.  He hadn't changed a bit but I had blossomed out of my awkward tomboy stage and run head first into my full beauty.  I no longer had short, dark hair.  It was long and bleached blonde just like almost any of my other friends.   I had also perfected the art of makeup so I look much older than my 18 years.

The doorbell rand and I ran to answer it in hopes of finding someone entirely different standing outside.

"Oh. Hi.  My dad's not here."

"I'm not here for your dad, Christy.  I told you I'd see you when you were 18.  Now I'm here so let's go."

"One, I'm 18 tomorrow so you're a day early.  Two, I'm not going anywhere with you."  And with that I slammed the door and headed to my room.

As I went about my business, I suddenly felt as if someone was watching me.  I turned around and jumped out of surprise as I found Jonchristopher sitting on my bed.

"How did you get in here?"

"Magic, but that will all be explained in due time.  For now, you need to come with me and you don't really have a choice in the matter.  Let's go."

"I'm not going anywhere," I refused adamantly.  I had no intentions of going anywhere with a man I barely knew.He didn't take my refusal lightly and stood up to tower over my slight 5'4" frame.  As I began to back away from him, he grabbed my arm and held me in place.

"I already told you that you didn't have a choice so let's go.  We have a long journey ahead of us and I'd rather get started now than later." And with that I watched my room dissolve around me as I got a feeling of butterflies in my stomach.

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