Hey, how ya doing?

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"Hey, how ya doing? Sorry you can't get through. Why don't ya leave you name and you number and I'll get back to you? Never get back never gonna get back." Pick up Grant. Nice take you Hey, How Ya Doing By Little Mix though. 

"Pick up idiot."

"Not if u call me that."



"Are you gonna b at school?"

"Maybe. I don't feel so hot."

:-( "

"Still no."

" ( ' ~  ' )"

"Fine. U know I can't resist them."

" ( * ¬ *) "

"Stop it. Really, I mean it."

"Geo trip 2day. Got the stuff?"

"Yeah, maybe?"

"Camera, money, lunch, water?"


"And phone?"


It was a trip day so our own clothes and we were off timetable the whole day! 

A/N, Sorry for the short update but I wrote this after Run and so am pooped. I am also in disgrace (shhh) and banned from tech (shhhh). Also, I have come up with a nearly perfect writing playlist on my YouTube! Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zg3rWMHiEBU&list=PLhMbwUvrc4vHC5txjqik_FC8ZKiOfmzIA . Theorectly, it should show the playlist screen. Update, it does! Wahey and hurrahalot!

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