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"What's good, girl?" Sianna asked, wrapping her arm around my neck.

She pulled me down so that I was laying beside her in the beach chairs.

I looked into her eyes and saw that she was high.

I should've known.

I looked down at the swimsuit she was wearing before biting my lip.

I stared at her face until her eyes met with mine.

I blushed and looked away. . . right into Bryson's eyes.

His eyes were squinted and he was staring at me hard, making it known that he saw me.

"Um. . .you good Sianna? You want anything?" I questioned, scanning her over.

"A drink would be nice. My throat's kinda dry"

"What kind of drink do you want? I'll get it"

"Pepsi, please"

I got up to get her a drink from the cooler.

"Don't act like I ain't see that shit" Bryson's voice sounded from behind me.

A small smirk formed on my face before I made it disappear.

"What are you talking about?" I dig through the ice, feeling my fingers go numb due to the coldness.

"You like her or something, wifey?"

I gave him the most disgusting look that I could muster up.

"Like her? Are you saying that because you like her?" I flipped the script on him.

"Of course I don't like that hoe. What's to like about her" He spat.

"There you go, calling her out of her name for no reason. It's unnecessary"

"There you go sticking up for that broad again. Why you on her side, Kea?"

"Oh, don't get jealous. Sianna has done nothing to you, and you only hate her because of Harley, when you really should be thanking her. Without her, we wouldn't have Harley"

"If she ain't go around poppin' her pussy like a hoe, then-"

I smacked him in the face.

"You're so fucking disrespectful. Harley is a result of her being in love with her deceased boyfriend who she is still devoted to. Sianna has one - well two friends in the whole wide world and she doesn't need your bullshit. Why are you hating on her so bad?"

"You gone stop hitting me, Kea" Bryson mumbled, biting his lip.

"Whatever. You need to get your head out of your - No. You need to stop sucking your own dick and get over yourself" I brushed past him and went back to Sianna.

She was eating a burger with bacon, onions, cheese, lettuce, and some special sauce on it.

"Here's your drink" I said, setting it down beside her.

"Thanks, Kea" She crunched down on a chip.

That was the first time that she had called me that.

"Hi mommies" Harley ran over to us.

"Hey, Har" I smiled as I watch her curls bounce.

"Hey, sunshine"

I don't know why, but her words made me blush.

She leaned up and gave me a kiss before going over to kiss Sianna on the cheek.

"You eat that?" Harley eyed Sianna's burger hungrily.

Sianna turned her burger towards Harley and she bit into it without giving it a second thought.

"Mmm. Wait. I don't think I taste it at first. Maybe again"

Sianna and I both laughed as Harley took another bite.

"Thank you Mommy #2"

"You're welcome, sunshine" Sianna smiled at her.

For the rest of the afternoon, it was just Harley and her mommies.

And I liked it that way.


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