Chapter 3

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I ended up falling asleep on my bed holding the bear that Logan got me when we went to the carnival:


“Logan, can you get me the stuffed teddy bear? Please??” I asked him. He glared at me but got his wallet out of his back pocket. He took a ten out of it and put it on the counter. “Good luck boy,” was all the man said. Not five minutes later I was holding a teddy bear. “Babe, that was awesome, thank you” I said and kissed his cheek. We walked back to his car hand in had, while I held my new bear.

We got back to my house and we made out for like fifteen minutes and then I said I had to go. He drove away still smiling at our night together.


I woke up to an obnoxious noise in my kitchen. I screamed “SHUT UP!! CANT YOU TELL IM P*SSED!!!!” God, my family was annoying.  I heard footsteps come up to my room and I threw my other lamp at the door again. I still hadn’t cleaned up the first one, and my moms going to kill me. Those lamps cost over three hundred dollars. Apparently they didn’t listen because next thing I knew someone was sitting on my bed next to me. They were holding me while I was screaming and crying “LO HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!! I GAVE YOU ALL THE LOVE I COULD AND YOU GOT INTO AN ACCIDENT.  IT WAS MY ENTIRE FAULT TOO!!!! IF I HADNT ASKED YOU TO THAT PARTY THEN YOU WOULD BE HERE NEXT TO ME!!! I HATE YOU!!! WHY???” I screamed. How could he do this? I screamed and screamed until all that came out was sobs. I still had no idea who the person holding me was. I look over and find Chance, sitting there holding me. I soon fell asleep in Chances arms, crying for Logan to come back to me and to not leave me.

I woke up a few hours later when I heard a rustling in my room. I sit up and find Chance with Tyler and some dust pans and a broom. “Hey, thanks. I guess for cleaning up my mess. I’m (sobs) really sorry. Were you the person I threw the lamps at?” I asked them. Tyler stood up and walked over to me.  She indulged me in a hug and just cooed at me. “Baby I’m so sorry this happened to you. I would have acted the same way if it were Chance. Don’t worry. We are staying at your house. Your parents said we could so we could take care of you. They are on a business trip to England again, so we are the only ones here.” She said. Chance came over and hugged me again.

Twenty minutes later I found out that a) Chance is a very good cook and b) Tyler has really bad cravings. We were currently sitting in my living room watching Titanic. I was on my phone looking at all the messages I got. I got like 20 from Lucas, asking where his truck was, 10 from Randi asking where I went, and 40 from Tyler and chance asking what happened. I just laughed and texted Lucas

*Thanks for letting me use your truck :P

*Your welcome. You didn’t scratch her so you’re good. How’s Lo going? Any news?

*No I’m about to go to the hospital and see him. I miss him a lot and yea.

*Ok, maybe ill come for a visit

With that I grabbed my keys and told the guys that I was going out, “Whoa!! Where do you think your going missy? Hmmm….” Chance said, trying to act all dads like. “I’m going out, where it's none of your business. Since when do you act like my dad? Hmm??” I asked, and with that I left for the hospital.

*One week later

It’s been a week since Logan went into a coma. I was really depressed all day, every day. I missed his voice and the look in his eyes when I did something. I really was feeling empty. BUZZZ my phone went off. I picked it up, “Hello?” I said. “Hello, this is Tyra from the General Hospital. May I speak to Sam Redmayne?” the lady said. “This is she. What can I help you with ma’am?” I said. “Logan just woke up form his coma. You may come and see him,” she said. I hung up the phone and grabbed Chances car keys (they were the closest) and got into his car and drove to the hospital.

As soon as I got to the hospital I ran up to Logan’s room. He was sitting up in bed with his parents and doctors surrounding him. He was covered in bruises and cut marks. “Hey, how are you feeling? I’m so sorry this happened. I love you and are glad your ok.” I said. I looked at him, and he gave me a really confused face. “Who are you? Where’s Tyler? I WANT TYLER!!!” he screamed. I jumped back and ran for the door. What happened? Mr. Puscizo came and explained everything to me. “Logan has long term amnesia. The last thing he remembers is dating Tyler, your Tyler. They only dated for a couple months, but apparently he only remembers her. She came in with Chance’s hand in hand with hers and Logan flipped out. He thrashed and they had to give him some meds. They told him about the baby and he says his. He totally flipped with joy and is now happy he’s going to be a dad. Tyler is pretty shook up because he isn’t the dad and Chance is mad because Logan is trying to take, I don’t know, take the baby as his.” I was crying non-stop now.

I ran out of the hospital and drove to Randi and Lucas house. I just walked into their house like I normally do. “LUCAS, RANDALL!! WHEREA ARE YA’LL?” I scream. They come running down the stairs, “Sam what’s wrong? Did Lo wake up?” they asked at the same time. Suddenly I got really dizzy and then all I see is black.

I wake up and I’m in a room full of people and lights. A man in a white coat come into the room and sits on the edge of my bed, “Samantha, do remember what happened?” he asked me. I shook my head lightly. “You suffered form Broken Heart Syndrome. That means that you had something similar to a heart attack, but do you know what caused it? Maybe a drastic change in relationships?”

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