Chapter 5

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Alex picked me up and put me on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, "Hey wanna come over to my house tonight? Its been forever and i miss us," he whispered in my ear. I giggle  "Yea of course, but i just have to go home and get some clothes." I say. I take the joint out of his mouth and put in mine taking a long drag of it. Alex leans up and puts his mouth on mine as i blow the smoke into his mouth. I laugh and finish the joint off and grab my books "lets go, please? i wanna see if your house is any different haha" and i take his hand and drag him to my car. I get into my Ford F150 truck and back out and drive to my house with Alex following. We arrive in my driveway, to my suprise, to see Logans little Chevy there. I took in a sharp breath and got out of my truck. I walked up to the door and walked inside, wondering why Logan was here. 

"Hey Sam, i was wondering if you could tell me what exactly happened between me and Tyler...oh hello, who are you?" Logan asked to me and then to Alex. "Um Logan you actually need to go. Ask Randi or Lukas about what happened. I have somewhere to go..." I state walking off to my room. I pick up my bag and put a pair of dark blue ripped skinny jeans, light blue short shorts, a black tank top, a "MOFO" t-shirt, and a leather jacket. I sigh and look through my shoes for my black boots and converses, "YES! i found them" i say just as i feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "Logan...." i turn around and see its Alex "Good i was hoping it was you" i say as i peck him on the lips. I zip up my bag and find my Iphone 5 charger and stuff it into my purse, im definitely am going to need this, i think. "Ok Alex im ready" i say. I grab his hand and walk out of my bedroom. I write a note to my parents:

Mom and Dad,

I'm going over to Alex's house for the day/night. I have no idea when I'll be back.... i have my phone if you need me but please try not to distrube me. I love you, and if Logan comes by tell him im out for a couple days. Ill be back whenever (espically for clothes)


I fold up the note and put tape on it and tape it to the fridge. "Ok Alex im ready to go babe." I turn around and find him stairing at me. He walks over and pulls me in for a kiss and says "You are SO beautiful, you know that? I dont know how i let you go so easily." and he kisses me full on the lips. I mumble into his lips "Lets take this to your house yea? i dont want my parents walking in on us like this." He grabs my hand and pulls me into his car. We drive to his house listening to GreenDay the whole way. Alex puts his hand on my knee and slowly starts moving it up further. I laugh and put my hand on his and entertwine our fingers. "How did i ever let you go? I loved you so much. Logan was the worst mistake of my life. Alex?" I say as he starts to pull into his driveway. I get out and he grabs my bag as we walk up the steps to his house. He opens the door and throws my bag onto the ground and picks me up bridal style. I lean in and wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him softly on the lips "Alex i missed you so much," and he carries me off to his room. (sorry i dont write those kind of scenes... if you wanna write them for me msg me please!)

*Two hours later* 

I wake up and find myself in a room that i vaguley remember. Oh sh*t! Im in Alex's room! Wow i really missed it. I sit up and find the closest piece of clothing, a plaid button up shirt and i slip it on. I sniff and smell some really good food so i walk out and go to the kitchen to find Alex shirtless making pancakes. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist kissing his neck "Babe that smells so good, you making any for me?" i say as he turns around. He enlopes me in a hug and kisses the top of my head turning back to the pancakes. "Of course, their your favorite. How could i not?" he says. I giggle and grab a plate and load it with pancakes and peanutbutter and syrup. I sit at the counter and just stare at Alex. 

After we get done eating we go and sit in the living room. I put in Toy Story and snuggle against Alex, "You still love this movie i see, haha" he says. I laugh and just nod. Half way through the movie my phone rings from my bag. I run and grab it getting it just in time to see its Tyler *phone conversation*

T: Hey Sam where are you?

S: Im um... at a friends house why?

T: We had a date as a group to get together, remember.... oh wait your too busy getting stoned and drunk, sorry i forgot!

S: Oh dont start this crap with me. I've had a hard couple days give me a break. Where are you guys? I'll be there as fast as i can.

T: We're at Chloe, normal spot. Bring your swimsuit, bye

*end of conversation*

"Alex, i have to go. My friends said we have a thing and i have to go. Will you come with me?" i say as i sit on his lap and kiss his lips. He groans and looks at me "Girl you make me crazy. *sigh* I guess I'll come with you. I love you that much, you know." he says as he pickes me up and runs into the bedroom and throws me on the bed, laughing. We pack up our things and he drops me off at my house to get my stuff and my truck. Im gonna need this later, i think. 

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