unapolagetic-ally poor

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My mind is fuzzy, the last remnants of a dream being chased by the realization of my sudden awakening. It was a nice dream, something about sitting on a big balloon full of roses but the details are fading fast even as I try to recall them. With a mental sigh I allow my brain to focus and open one eye. The sun peeking in my bedroom window, lighting my hair like a coppery halo. I lifted my head from the pillow, my curly hair cascading down my face like a waterfall. The suns vibrant rays send a gold sheen around the room, in turn giving my normally dull room some colour. I pull the duvet up over my head to keep the sun out, but its too late. My brain is already awake and worrying about my day.

" Katalia, wake up its time for work" I hear my mom yelling. What is she going on about its only 7:30. Some mornings I just couldn't deal, you know I just didn't want to get up. My sister came running into my room. Hair tossled, pajamas in tact, and her radio blasting "shake it off" by T-Swift. She slowly walked in and said," Katalia you have 3 minuets before Mark and Angelo finish the breakf-". I ran out before she could finish. That was all the motivation I needed. Food is life, life is food.

I ran as fast as I could, but it was too late those monsters finished all the food. I eat a slice of bread, drank a glass of milk, and got ready for work.

I absolutely hated my job, I loved working but hated the job. After a 6 hour shift I got ready for my second and last job of the day. By the time I arrived to work it was 7:00 p.m. I checked in and put on my waitress attire.

" katalia, table 9 has been waiting for a minuet and 30 seconds for someone to come and take their order," Robster, the manager on shift told me, rather aggressively.

I stared at him for a couple of seconds, hoping my stare would miraculously kill him. I looked back up to see if he died, fuck hes still living. "yup I'll be right over"

"you better"

what an asshole, I hated him so much. I hurried over to table number 9. Secretly hoping an old couple would be there. Most were sweet and adorable, and because they usually tipped. I made it to table 9 and no old couple. Disappointing.

"spaghetti and steak," I announced as I placed the plates in front of a big guy, who carried a huge spoon with him. Weird, but I wasn't going to say anything about it.

"Thank you," he commented right before I was about to leave. He was being nice maybe he would tip.

"can I get you boys anything else," I asked for the sake of hopefully being tipped.

"well, I gotta tell you, there's something else I want from you"

He was looking at me while he said this, his eyes roaming my body. What a dick, maybe if I went along with it he would tip me.

" Any thing in particular", I asked knowing exactly what he was talking about. He studied me some more and looked away. Now, I looked across at him as he studied the menu, his brow furrowed. I decided the tip wasn't worth it, and made my way to the next table.

There was a bang, and I looked over to the bar where a guy with dark black hair, wearing a black suit had apparently sat. He glanced up and saw me. I didn't have much of a love life, so I checked out hot guys, and this guy was fine. Damn he was easily the best looking dude in the restaurant, he looked damn expensive too. I was getting excited, he better tip me.

I made my way over to him,"hope you didn't wait too long," I said putting on the best smile I could manage.

"not really, I just got here," he said looking down at his menu.

"well, what can I get you today," I said coming closer to him, so I could get a better view of his face.

"I'm on a mission, I doubt you could help me with it," he said not even facing me.


"excuse me," I heard him say. I faced him, silently cursing my self. Holy shit this is the third time I've been rude this week. I am so going to get fired.

play it cool, i just had to play it off. "I'm sorry, I was talking about the guy behind you," i said pointing at the couple who were engaged in a heated make out session.

He looked at me, wrote a check, and said, "I'm not ordering anything, I just came to look around", and with that he took his coat and left. He was strange, a seriously-hot, strange dude.I took the check and was astonished at the amount he had tipped. God damn, home boy must be rich or something. Nobody just leaves a $2K tip like that, and as generous as it was there was no way I was taking it.



I came to this sad excuse of restaurant, waiting for Jake my friend who had supposedly stood me up. He claimed this was the place I could find a girl, who would agree to my contract. I was suddenly jolted out of my thoughts when a hand made its way to my arm. I looked up to meet her gaze. "hey, can i help you," she obviously didn't know who i was, or she wouldn't have come on to me like that.

ugh, as much as i appreciated the female body tonight i just wasn't feeling it.

"Oh,I'm sure you can". she batted her eyelashes, forcefully pushing her breasts to my side. since she was offering, i quickly glanced at her cleavage.

she continued to sexually harass me, the strap of her dress coming down her shoulder, exposing her white bra strap.

" I saw you in the restaurant, you didn't seem satisfied so I came to help out," she said, licking her top lip. Is this what Jake had meant when he said i could find, a suitable girl. was he talking about a hooker, damn him.

I tried to hid my wince, she was trying too hard and I was not going to sleep with a hooker. I had come tonight in a good mood, and I did not want to ruin it. I looked around, searching for a way to make her stop with out offending her- too much.

"hey,babe", my eyes flew up to the waitress, who had asked to take my order.She turned around leisurely, enabling me to get a better look at her. She wore simple tight jeans with converse. Her hair was long, wavy, and raven colored , falling brilliantly over her chest. The girl's face was smooth and tan, with brilliantly captivating sea blue eyes and kissable cherry lips. She was stunningly gorgeous, she had that exotic twist to her.

Lost in thought I heard her say " hes with me, do you not know how to take a fucking hint ?" whoa did I hear that right? She stared at the girl daring her to walk away.
She was like a breath of fresh air, my mind suddenly leaving its sleepy haze, I could feel the adrenaline pumping in my veins. Wanting more of her accent, one that i couldn't quite place,i added " I know I'm irresistible rosey, so I don't blame you for following me-and basically"- she didn't let me finish.

" don't flatter yourself " she said with a smirk. "you clearly needed my rescuing"

Not meaning to; my eyes wandered to her chest revealing a beautiful amount of cleavage. Oh dear lord this girl was hot

"anyways," she continued, "I came, to give you back your check"

Oh, I wondered why she'd want to give it back, she clearly needed it working at a place like this.

"keep it, I gave it to you for a reason, you clearly need it"

"look yo, I know enrique sent you, tell him i don't fuck with that shit no more" she fired back. I placed my hands in my pockets to stop my self from touching her. Who was enrique?, was she talking about drugs?

"enrique?, I don't know who he is, but you clearly need the money, I mean look at the place you're working at its basically a dump,"this seemed to have hit a nerve or something.

"nice meeting you too asshole, and since you're so hell bent on giving me the check, I will keep it. and yes I am unapologetic-ally poor, no need to rub it in my face". she waved, swaying her hips as she left.

I might have just found my girl.

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