The white snake

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Thank you  keenwriterone for the awesome and insightful feedback, appreciated it a lot. 


  We stepped in. The beautiful iron gates slowly opening at our arrival. Inviting us to a strip of  glass walk way surrounded by water. Beneath the first layer of glass, reside different types of fish. At first this looked cool, and then I see a big' ole shark. Just chillin. Like, What the actual fuck is this even. There's an awkward long walk to the actual entrance and a set of stairs right before it, so I approach the stairs with caution and suddenly the lights hit me. I'm walking dead center when I start thinking, Hey, that's cool. I can't even see anything around me. Just me and the shark. And I start walking, because you know there's a damn shark swimming freely. We finally make it to actual  event, I guess rich people just liked walking for no reason. The room gleamed with a certain glow, or maybe it was just the diamond chandeliers capturing the light. 

   Calvin lead us to a group of expensive looking men and women. He gave me a serious look, "Your job is to smile, stand still and look pretty". I gave him a quick nod, before falling in step with him. 

 " Nice to make your acquaintance miss...?"  he leaves the last part hanging.

                                       "Vasquez". I answer, making my smile extra innocent. 

He looked around Calvin's age, maybe 5 years older than me at tops. He gave me a goofy grin. 

"Nice to meet you, miss Vasquez. I am, Jake" . I just kept smiling and nodded. Calvin had his back to me, making conversation with different people. He was good at what he did- I would give him that much.  

  Meanwhile, I had to fight to keep my face blank, to look as though I was a normal rich person with no concern for this boring event. No one has questioned me yet, so apparently I pulled it off. Maybe I had a future in poker.  

  I went to the food bar, ignoring Calvin's request to stay near him. I was hungry, and the food was free. Who was I to deny such a thing?. The chicken looked amazing, and smelled great. I took a piece and shoved it into my mouth, savoring its lingering taste. It tasted absolutely divine.  I went around trying everything I could.  

 I heard dimmed whispers coming from the bar, where a couple of guys and girls sat. 

" Did you see the girl Calvin came in with? no manners. "

   "Well, no matter how liberal that girl is, she's certainly easy on the eyes," one guy said. "I could look at her all day, especially in that dress"

   His friend nodded. " He definitely degraded from his last though". He took a sip from his drink. " He is getting married anyways, he probably just using her, while he can still get around" . 

I decided to give them a visit. Hair pulled down covering most of my face, glass of champagne in hand. 

"Hey gentlemen", I said with determination.   

 Beside me, their smiles vanished, and they went perfectly still. Another one spoke up, and began talking with the volume and exuberance of those who hadn't held back on sampling free liquor. 

  The guy- the one who had initially started the conversation turned around. His lips twisting into a snarl, finally facing me. 

 " Hey, I'll pay you $ 50 for a good time," he says with a smirk. I held a strong ground, going with his dumb shit. So naive .

   I cock my head to the side, twirling the glass's contents. The light hitting my face, making my lipstick a deep rouge.  He takes this as a yes and sits right next to me. 

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