freakum dress

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Thank you erinbhutchinson20 for being such an awesome reader! I really appreciate it. 


I can feel the atmosphere slowly shifting in my favor. Feel that? its the sweet feeling of success furiously invading my mood. The girl- Katalia has this blank, way too innocent expression. "Don't you worry, Mr. Salvatore. I'd love to help you." 

she turns to me and smiles. This smile isn't genuine or heartwarming, but cocky as hell.

Bring it, darling. Your best won't be good enough. 

    I was hoping Katalia wouldn't make me go through all this trouble,  just for a couple months of pretend dating. It seemed logical enough at the time. But trying to make conversation with her is like, talking to a wall: Unresponsive and annoying. 

     My phone suddenly chimed with a text message from Beatritz: Baby where are you?



Calvin smiled down at his phone, shot a quick text and got up.

"Be ready at 8:00 p.m, I have an event to attend," he said.

                        "okay? and what makes you think I care?," 

Calvin stood there for a second finishing off whatever text message he had been sending. Didn't he know not to text when someone was speaking to him. He was beginning to seriously piss me off.

 He looked bored, almost uninterested. well, that makes two of us , I thought to my self.  After a moment he began to speak. " you plus me :  Event at 8:00 wear something nice". And with that he was gone.  Oh boy, I was in deep. 

                                         trouble in shit town

    I sent the text to my best friend, Camille  Gomez. She would know what it meant. It was a custom that Camille and I had started shortly after we met in middle school.

  My phone roared to life. I quickly checked the caller ID, it was Camille. "Girl you okay?," was the first thing she asked.  "yes, I'm fine. But look, I am going to this thing with a guy tonight. And I need something formal to wear".  She took a long pause. " wait, like a date? bitch why didn't you tell me? is he hot?", she said her voice growing louder than it was before. 

  "It just kind of happened like 5 minuets ago"

" OMG this is huge, be there in 5" 

"okay," was all I said. I had no doubt my best friend would fix me up good. 

     After a couple of minuets I had informed molly about my decision to resign.  She was sad, and said she would miss me. Me on the other hand I was just glad to be out of there. 

   I took my time walking back to the bus stop, window-shopping as I went. Four blocks later, I'd manged to tire my self out. Just one more block I urged my self.  Getting to my house was fairly easy, I just wasn't the best walker.  I walked by beautiful houses, sometimes pretending they belonged to me. But reality always hit me like a wrecking ball. Silent, hard and swift. 

                                                 Beep, Beep

  "Incoming, get in," I heard Camille's voice through the afternoon stream of noise. ugh, Camille was so amazing. I really appreciated her. I quickly ran to her car, a rusty 1998 Toyota Camry. Where we come from this car is considered the best thing. 

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