Hot damn

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He stares at me. Shit. I blink a couple of times. " what did you say?"

"Dirty", he repeats. I tightened my grip on the door.  "You're dress is covered in dirt what did you think I meant?"

"Nothing," I said, demanding him to take a step back. Having him this close, barley clothed made it hard to focus. " you were with me when this happened to my dress, so of course my dress is dirty" 

His eyes wondered, followed by a cocky smirk. " There are other ways to get dirty. Fun ways.. Not that I would ever show you"

   I kept my eyes on his, refusing to look down. If I looked down further I definitely blush, thinking about it made me blush. Damn him.  He shot me a look of disgust. What the hell did I do to him? why is he so angry.  He spins on his feet, and continues to walk further into the house. The muscles on his back flexing with every step. His shorts hanging dangerously low. 

The girl- Sam, who I totally forgot was even standing there decided to speak up. " Hi! I'm Sam. Sorry about Calvin he's... rough around the edges. He usually doesn't get along with people." She says in a very cheery manner. 

  "Gee, I wonder why." Actually, I did wonder why. His possessiveness seemed a bit off the charts. My hands were still shaking, and even though he was gone, I could still feel him—the heat he'd thrown off. It had been...exciting. Sadly. 

 She smiled and there was a genuineness in it that warmed my heart. I bobbed my head up and down. This was extremely awkward

"Wait.. here," she says running further into the house. I waited for a little while, admiring the kitchen's marble floor and diamond covered chandeliers. She returns shortly after, with a yellow envelope that has a very detailed mystical sun symbol that looked interestingly enough legit.   

" I'm sure Calvin has already talked to you about the contract?" 

Sure. " Yeah, he has. But shouldn't he be the one giving me the contract?" 

"I guess, but he really isn't in the mood right now," she pauses and continues. " You sign right above the sun," she says, smiling. 

I tried to read the agreement statements, but there was so much information to read. I hope this doesn't bite me in the ass, I thought to my self.  

" Here use this pen. It is a very special pen, the only time we use it is for contracts," she says with a happy gleam.

She extends her hand to me, and I take the pen. It's a lot heavier than it looks and has the same symbol on it. 

I quickly sign the paper, but stop when I begin to notice the ink slowly scatter in and out of my vision. Am I going crazy? Or did the ink just move on its own. I look to see if Sam also notices, but she seems to be unaware of this. I thought about mentioning it to her, but ain't nobody tryna sound crazy, so I let it go. 

I finished writing my name and handed her the envelope, along with the pen. She continued to give me a surprised look. She shakes her head flustered, " Sorry, its just that someone like you has never been in our home". Someone like me?. What  does that even mean. 

  Confused I gave her my best, I have no idea whats going on smile. I quickly checked the clock hanging from the right wall. It read 12:57, was it day or night?. I quickly moved the shades cascading down the arched window, the afternoon sun instantly blinding me. That answered my question. 

 I quickly gave my self a one over. My dress was torn in different places, dirt covered my legs, and my once controlled hair was suffering from horrible frizz. In conclusion I was simply a hot mess. 

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