playing the game

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"Come on don't think too much". Don't think too much? was this guy okay?

"Nah, I cant do it", I said opening the door.

"I'm a very busy individual, I don't got time for pretty boys"

 He gives me a look, it's a mixture of annoyance and frustration. " Can we negotiate?, tell me what you want anything and its yours", he says with a straight face.

I was really getting tiered of this, for the sake of his amusement, I decided to ask him for things that were impossible.

" I want to not have to work 3 jobs, I want rob,  the robster to be fired, and I want 2 million" .

 I knew he could make non of these things happen. He took a businesses card out of his wallet and handed it to me, "keep this," he says with a mischievous grin. I took it opened the door and walked out.  

I put my key in the front door with out looking back.  When I walk into the kitchen, mom is sitting at the table reading a dictionary, she believes its good for the brain. She looks up raising her eyebrow, and it occurs to me for the first time how late it is. My hair is a mess, mussed and frizzy, curls springing out of my ponytail. She nods towards a plate of pasta.

Yum, my favorite. We both love pasta. 

I briefly get a drink, and go out to get the mail. Unsurprisingly, I find a shit ton of collection notices for my father. The demands for payments never ended. I went back inside, taking a seat near my mother. 

     I open my mouth, wondering if this is the right time to tell her the good news. She probably already knows.

"Ma, I'm going to quit working at alfie's" 

She looks hard at me, not upset, probably just checking if i'm serious. When she doesn't say anything I continue talking. 

" I hate alfie's, the customers  suck. The manager sucks. The pay really sucks, and the shifts are way too long"

     She nods. 

" We need the money, but if you don't like it, quit", she continues reading her dictionary," Eat the pasta".

I go to my room. Its not really a room it used to be a very large closet with beautiful windows, so I decided I would live in it. It freed me from having to sleep with my sisters, the space was really small, barley containing my belongings .  I collapse on my bed, welcoming the sweet calm of sleep. 


I'm late

      My feet pound rhythmically against the pavement. Is Rob standing by the door?. I wanted to quit, but not before I got my paycheck. I walk in, fully expecting to get yelled at. Making my way to the back door, I grab my uniform and throw it over my favorite shirt, a black low cut top.  I look around seemingly, but can't find who i'm looking for. Instead I hear Molly, a long time worker and sort-of friend of mine.  I walk around  tables taking delicate steps and long strides. Usually at this time, I would be getting an earful. I wonder where he was? Rob never  missed a day. 

"Did you hear the news?", Jill, one of the employees asks me.

"Hear what?"

"Molly is the new manager!" 

 Holy shit, what the hell happened to Rob. Not that I really care, the two faced dick was a real piece of work. Never did shit, and expected everyone to  be perfect. But I was slightly curious as to why he left.

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