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"Uhm..hey, Brook I brought some food from the cafeteria." I walked in Bryson's hospital room, where Brooklyn was sitting by his bed, watching as he slept.

She looked at me, and gave a small smile. "Thank you Marely."

I handed her a tray that supported chicken, a baked potato, macaroni, a Cesar salad and tossed fruits along with a water.

"Ooh this looks so good." She sighed. "It smells amazing. How did I survive without you Marely."

I laughed, bringing up a chair next to her. "Who knows?" I said. She began to eat as I watched Bryson.

I started to closely observe him; from his pink plump lips to his cute nose, then to his eyelids which covered the brown eyes I had made contact with hours ago.

Biting my lip slightly, I had come to realize that Bryson sure wasn't ugly.

I watched as his chest rose slightly, only to fall back and repeat moments later.

I looked at his arms which laid motionlessly at his sides, observing the tattoos that ran up them.

Becoming accidentally too deep in observing him, I didn't hear Brooklyn calling my name until she hit me on my arm with her water bottle.

"Ouch!" I rubbed my arm, looking at her. She shook her head. "Now, I said, stay here please. I have to make some calls and use the bathroom." She stood from her chair.

"Oh, and thanks again Marely. That food was needed." She patted her stomach and I giggled. "No problem."

She left the room and I sighed to myself, turning my attention back on Bryson. I twisted my lips, seeing the wrist he had cut himself on all wrapped up in bandages and such.

He reminded me of myself about a year ago. Going through something like isn't easy, I know it first hand.

Poor Bryson. I thought to myself.

I got up from my seat, stretching my arms out before walking around the room. I ran my fingers lightly against the wall.

Soon, I approached Bryson's bed once more. I sighed, sitting back down in my chair next to him.

"Hey.." He spoke suddenly and I jumped at the sound of his voice. It was way different than the one I heard hours ago. Way deeper.

I looked up and sure enough, there were his brown eyes, staring into mines. Even when I looked back into his, he didn't look away from mines.

"Uhm, hi." My voice shook slightly. I blinked a few times, scratching the back of my neck.

"I remember you." He said. "Mariella, right? You were there..." He trailed, looking down. "That's how we met."

"Yeah." I sighed.

He pushed himself upwards, now managing to sit all the way up. He wiped his eyes and yawned, then frowned and started coughing.

"I....I'm sorry you had to witness that. That we had to met that way." He sighed deeply, closing his eyes. "That's a terrible first impression."

"Hey, look...I totally underst-" he cut me off.

"Don't." He said, opening his eyes to look at me.

"Don't feed me that same bullshit everyone else does. That you totally understand when you don't. No one does..." He trailed.

I looked down at the floor, biting my lip. I had to constantly remind myself that people actually didn't know what I've been through. I heard him sigh.

"Look, I'm sorry. I don't mean to sound like a asshole or be one." He expressed.

I looked at him, before standing completely.

Without thinking, I pulled up my sleeve, revealing hundreds of scars going down my whole arm.

His eyes widened as mines watered. He observed my entire arm, before his eyes landed on mines again.

"Like I said." My voice cracked. I sighed, I walking up to him as his eyes never left me. "I totally understand Bryson."

"I...I'm sorry." He looked down, biting his lip as he now messed with his fingers. "I didn't know Mariella."

"I know." I broke down suddenly. I covered my mouth with my hand, looking at the other wall as I cried.

I knew his eyes were on me but I couldn't look his way, my eyes were stuck on the wall.

"Mariella..." He sighed.

I heard movements and there he was suddenly and though I didn't look, I could feel him standing in front of me.

He pulled me into him with one swift movement, wrapped his arms around my waist, and held onto me like he never wanted to let me go.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, giving in to his strong hold on me. I rested my head on the base of his shoulder, my nose brushing lightly against the side of his neck.

Though I didn't know any thing about him, it felt as if, for those split seconds, I belonged to him and he belonged to me.

But sadly, our deep hug was cut short as Brooklyn barged back into the room. He let go of me and I let go of him, both of us turning around to look at her.

Luckily, she didn't see us as she had just walked in and was busy on the phone. I sighed in relief, now waiting for her to look up and notice Bryson was awake.

She looked up then, and saw Bryson standing next to me. She dropped her phone, running up to him.

He caught her and they shared a huge hug, both of them crying with no words spoken for a while.

"Are you okay, Bryson? Why are you up? Aren't you dizzy, hungry thirst-" he cut her off.

"I'm fine, Brook." He sighed.

Her eyes watered up all over again and she smacked him.

"You promised me Bryson! How dare you scare me like that again? You almost died!" She started hitting his chest and he caught all of her blows at him.

I stepped back, giving them space before I got hit myself.

She eventually calmed and broke all the way down. Bryson let go of her fists, now holding onto her as she sobbed and cried.

Their more broken then I thought.


Weird spot to end that buttt.


This was a lil short, not too short but...still short in my opinion but I hope y'all enjoyed anyway.

Updates soon. Thanks for reading


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