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I shivered as I felt the blade punctuate the left side of my wrist, watching as blood started dripping out. I stopped there, I couldn't do it.

I threw down the blade and bagged away from it, becoming sick with myself. What the hell is wrong with me?

I stared at the cut on my wrist, watching as the blood slowly poured down my arm as I held it up.

It felt as if my feet were stuck to the floor, as if some type of weight on my shoulders were preventing me from moving.

Watching the blood drip, now onto one of the white carpets on our bathroom floor, I felt my skin crawl at what I had done.

Why am I so fucking selfish?

What about Brook? I couldn't believe I was seriously about to commit suicide, knowing Brook needed me or else she would go crazy her damn self.

I punched the wall, feeling my knucks sting in pain. Glancing at the imprint of my fist, I squeezed my eyes shut.

Lord please help me....



"Oh, and also, don't mind Bryson. He can be very...quiet sometimes." Brooklyn, my best friend since highschool, explained.

We had just ran into each other at Starbucks after years without communication and got to talking from there.

Truth was, I missed her and was upset that we had lost connection like we did. But now it was as if we had never been away from each other.

"Oh yeah, your brother right?" I questioned as we walked up to a nice looking apartment building.

You would think after all the years, I would know that was her brother. But every time I came over, he was never there. So I never actually met him before.

"Yeah. He's my brother."

We walked up the stairs to the apartment building without another word spoken. It was odd, but I chose not to say anything of it.

She opened the door and I followed her to an elevator, where we rode up to the 5th floor and got off.

We walked down a hall and turned down another one, approaching an apartment door. She pulled out a silver key, opening the door.

I walked in first, looking around. Their apartment was huge, and very nice but also...very dark.

Their walls were a greyish color, and all their furniture was either black or grey. Now don't get me wrong, it was a beautiful sight, but it felt odd. Like it was a very old house or something.

"Well, make yourself at home bestie. Let me go check on Bryson." Brook spoke, leaving me in their living room alone.

I sipped on my mocha latte, getting comfortable in their couch. I found the remote and turned the big flat screen on, scrolling through channels.

Grabbing their PlayStation remote, I turned it on and started looking for Netflix.

"Yass." I stuck my tongue out when I found it. I went through the movies, going straight for the horror section.

Right when I was about to click I movie, I heard Brooklyn scream.

"What the hell." I mumbled. I got off the couch, following the sound of her crying.

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