Chapter 1

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It was the summer of 2015, I had beautiful long brown hair, bright green eyes, and I always wore a big smile on my face. Until February 25th, 2016. That was the day my life changed forever.

    My friends all left me, my boyfriend left me, my parents started ignoring me and soon enough, the rest of my family followed. I was alone. Nobody saw me. I was invisible to everyone, accept the bullies. I was bullied everyday until I left, the day after 11th grade ended. I left everything I knew, my (ex) friends, my family, the bullies, my hometown. I watched it all disappear in the rear view mirror of my beat up little red Chevy pick up truck. I had all my belongings sitting beside me in the passenger seat. I was headed for a small town in the Smoky Mountains called Gatlinburg. It was in Tennessee.  I was going to live in Tennessee with an old family friend and start over with new people, a new family, and a new town.

    It took me a total of 22 hours to get to Chris, Jeff, and Levi, the only friends I had left. I drove through the country side of town and found their little horse ranch. I followed a long dirt road until I saw a cute little house with a porch. Chris was sitting on the porch drinking coffee since it was 11 A.M. Chris is like a mom to me. She's a better mom than mine was. Plus Levi was a better brother than the one I had too. Same with Jeff, I always considered him my fatherly figure after mine stopped talking to me. They all knew what had happened back at home. When they found out how bad it had gotten Chris pretty much forced me to come live with them.

When everyone stopped talking to me, I got really depressed and just bottled all of my feelings up, and they didn't notice how I never talked. After the first few months of being ignored I also started cutting, and starving myself, but as usual nobody noticed. Even if they did, they didn't care.

    My mom and I were always fighting about everything. My brother always chose the xbox and friends instead of playing games with me or teaching me how to play some of his games. Losing my dad was the worst. I was a little daddy's girl. When he started to ignore me I lost it and nearly killed myself. That's when I called Chris and told her everything. She was so disappointed in my dad. She was like his older sister. She called him, yelled at him, and yet he was always too drunk to care. Part of the reason why my mom divorced him in 2009. Those two were always fighting and still fight to this day, and whenever I tried to stop it, I would get pushed, hard, usually I ended up falling on the floor or hitting the wall. Either way the fighting never stopped.

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