Condition #4

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Condition #4 ~ Knowing the opposite sex and learning things between them must be kept between each other and never be shared to a third party. Failing to oblige this condition will be fined 10k.


Fear the best word to describe how Lydia was feeling but her stubbornness and what’s left of her pride were the only reason for her strength to not be afraid of Harvey.

The moment the door closed behind Harvey, the moment Lydia felt the tension. She could tell from a glance that he wanted to say something but she plan to not listen to whatever he wanted to say.

“What was that all about?” Harvey finally snaps at her, making her look away from the window and glare at him.

“You told me I can pick whatever I want but in the end, things always had to go YOUR way.”

She snaps back at him and cross her arms. She looked away from him and looked out the window once more. She was done talking to him for today and refuses to say anything else unless her work made her do so.

Harvey can only sigh and his stubbornness made Lydia realise that Harvey would never apologize. She knew that he knows where the topic was going but his ego wasn’t letting her hear the words she wanted to hear from him.

When the car stopped, Lydia didn’t wait for the door to open. She reached out, surprising Harvey in the process and step out of the limo in record time. Grumbling to herself, she went straight to her office without care and gently closing the door behind her even though the urge of slamming it was very tempting to her.

She quickly pulled out files, files that weren’t due until a month or so. There were no new files to check for the week to come, all had been done a week ago by her. All they need were Harvey’s signature but she was in no mood to see his face.

To busy herself, she started working on the files she pulled out. She made presentation, charts, check the stock and even made some phone calls. By mid-afternoon, she was done and Harvey didn’t call for her.

She felt disappointed before quickly changing into annoyance. She didn’t want him to call for her or talk to her. She told herself as she got up and grab the files that need Harvey’s confirmation.

Stepping out of her office, she saw the temp-secretary-in-charge with Luciana, the secretary-in-charge. “Good afternoon, do you have any message for me or Mr Thompson?” She asked the two ladies who looked up from the screen of the computer. She knew that there was no phone call because she knew it will be forwarded to her or to Mr Thompson but it gave her an excuse to delay seeing Harvey.

Luciana smiles at the sight of Lydia. She had adored her like a sister and admires her bravery as every employee knew how hard it was to deal with Mr Thompson. “No, it’s actually peaceful today. Dia, I like you to meet Katherine. She’ll take over for me while I’m on my maternity leave.”

“It’s nice to meet you Katherine. I’m Lydia or Dia for short. If you have any problems, let me know and I will try my best to help you.”

Lydia studied the girl in front of her. Katherine was young and she could tell that she was freshly out of university. She had a mature face, making her seems older than her actual age but she knew that she is no older than her.

Her blonde hair were curled and styled to perfection. Her make-up was flawless with blue-green eye-shadow, making her green eyes stands out even more. She had a peachy lipstick on and blusher in the same shade.

It took Lydia one glance at her clothes to know why she choose a barely covered chest but tight blouse, skirt that reach her mid-thigh and a killer black heels without any tights on. Both of them knew that Katherine fit in Harvey’s type and she’s here to win him over.

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