Condition #10

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Condition #10 ~ Lydia Cook will be protected during the time of marriage and the months when engagement is announced.


Ivory has always been praise by her patients and calmness in any situations. Ever since she could remember, not once did she break out of character. But she never expected that the first time she broke out of character, she become bridezilla.

“Is my cake here?”

“What about the flowers?”

“OMG! Is my dress even here yet?”

Finn and Gavin had tried there best to stay away from their sister, Ivory as much as possible. But even they find it difficult as Ivory walk around the entire mansion checking every corner of the house for dust or imperfection.

She was a perfectionist and everyone knows about it. It was one of the reason she become a famous fashion designer without the help of their family name.

“No! I want the petals under the vase on the centre tables like as if it fell from the flowers.” Ivory scold the staff of the wedding planner she had hired a year ago. The poor guy could only nod his head, feeling intimidated by Ivory.

“Sweetie, you need to relax. The wedding is in five hours and we still need to get you ready.” Claudette rubbed her daughter’s shoulder in attempt to calm her down. The moment she saw Ivory open her mouth she quickly cut her off, adding “If you continue what you’re doing now, it will only make everyone nervous to do their job. Just leave them be.”

Ivory sigh, she knew that her mother was right. She had been told plenty of time how intimidating she can get. She followed mother without complain to her bedroom where she knew her make-up artist and hairstylist will be waiting for her.

“Come on, Lydia.” Ivory said, grabbing Lydia’s wrist and ignoring Brittany.

“Are you not going to invite me too?” Brittany snaps making Ivory stop at her track.

Ivory scowled at Brittany. She was in no mood to deal with her bitchiness and she need moral support. She knew she wouldn’t get it from Brittany, who she need is Lydia. She was also to be her sister-in-law in a few months time. She wanted to create a bond between them before she marry her brother.

“I don’t think you’ll be able to help.” Ivory watched at Brittany stares at her in horror. Her looked had reminded Ivory of a look of a woman after being slapped and humiliated in public. She deserved it anyway. She thought as they proceed to her room.

“Ah! I see the bride had calmed down.” Ivory looked at her gay friend and make-up artist, Miku. She smiled at him as they hugged each other. “Oh honey! I can’t believe you been running around the place with that hideous robe!”

Ivory looked at her robe. The white fabric was no where as white as before when she had slipped it on this morning after her nice relaxing bath. There was dirt at the hem from where she had gone outside. There were stained of food here and there from when she went into kitchen.

“Come on. Let’s me do your hair so Miku can do your make-up and get you out of that robe.” Sammie guide Ivory to her dressing table and seat her comfortably on the armchair.

Lydia could only stand in the room uncomfortably. She didn’t know what to do and Claudette had left as soon as Ivory was seated. She looked around the room, mindlessly checking every detailed of the furniture or a chance to find somewhere to seat as she realise she’s been standing at the same spot for an hour or so.

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