Condition #12

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Condition #12 ~ Mr Thompson and Miss Cook must got out on a date to show the public that they’re dating.


Things can’t get any worse than this. Lydia though as she sulks on her chair and sigh heavily.

Since her sister left, she had been stuck in her office or Harvey’s office all throughout the day. They both spent their lunch in Harvey’s office and had their food ordered.  The only time the two of them had a break and away from their work was when one needed to go to the bathroom.

“I’m so tired.” Lydia mumbled as she looked at the clock on her wall. Everyone had left at five while she and Harvey had to stay for three more hours to finish everything. A knock on the door made Lydia jump and realise she had fell asleep for twenty-three minutes. She cleared her throat and said, “Come in.”

The security guard, Eduardo smile down at Lydia. They were so used of seeing Lydia and Harvey working late and seeing them now was no surprise for them. “Good evening, Lydia. Working late again, I see.”

Lydia smile and start clearing things away. “We’re done for today.” She said. Hesitantly she asked, “Has Mr Thompson left yet?”

Eduardo gave her a funny look. He had heard the rumours going around all day about her engagement to their boss and sure enough he saw the proof on her ring finger. “Not yet, he’s still in his office but he wants me to tell you that you two will be leaving when you’re ready.”

Lydia nod and ignore the strange look Eduardo was giving her. She knew already that words had gone out as Eduardo keeps glancing on her ‘engagement’ ring. “Thank you.” She said as she got up from her seat and grabbed her belongings.

Silently, she made her way to Harvey’s office. His door was slightly ajar but she still knocked before opening the door fully.

Harvey was lying down at one of the sofa, his eyes close and his breathing equal. Lydia put her stuff on the opposite sofa and pondered what to do. She kept stealing glances towards Harvey. She was itching to move the stray hair from his face but she was afraid that he’ll wake up.

Giving up to her temptation, Lydia got up and kneeled beside Harvey and moved the hair away. Just as she was about to pull away, Harvey grabbed Lydia’s wrist making her gasps in shock.

Harvey just stared at her eyes. The intense gaze had made Lydia uncomfortable as Harvey shows no emotion to indicate why he is staring at her like that.

“Sorry?” Lydia managed to say and that was when Harvey’s featured soften but he didn’t let go of her wrist. Instead, he sat up and pulled her closer to his body.

“I need your blood.” Harvey whispered to Lydia’s ear. He knew that Eduardo was still outside, checking and locking the doors and Lydia didn’t close his door.

“Not now, Eduardo might see us.” Lydia said, quietly as she eyed the open door. She can hear a soft shuffling outside Harvey’s office and a shadow that comes now and again.

“Very well, you’ll stay at mine.” Harvey said but stubbornly held Lydia tighter around his body.

“I don’t plan to sleep on the same bed as your other woman or sleep in the same bed as you unless it is necessary.” Lydia hissed low and quiet.

“Then sleep on the sofa.”

“No, I’m tired and I want to have a good night sleep.”

“Then I’ll stay at your house and sleep on your bed then.”

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