Condition #21

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Condition #21 ~ After the divorce, Mr Thompson and Miss Cook can’t get romantically involved with each other. Breaking this condition will be fine 1m.


Lydia stares at Harvey longer, deciding if she’s dreaming or not. What she didn’t realise, the longer she stares at him, the longer he felt uncomfortable.

“Is it a bad time for us to talk?” Harvey asked, snapping Lydia out of her trace.

“S-sure.” She stutters stepping back to make room for Harvey to walk pass. Lydia closes the door behind him and frowns at Harvey who is eyeing the babies playing in her living room.

Lydia bites her lower lips and hope that Harvey doesn’t get the wrong idea. “What did you want to talk about?” Harvey tore his gaze away from the baby and face Lydia.

He runs his finger through his hair, unsure how to start. “You see…” Harvey trails off. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Tell you what?” Lydia asked in confusion.

“Why didn’t you tell me that you’re pregnant? You know one of the conditions!” Harvey said, his voice rising from anger. “Why did you hide that you were pregnant! The condition states that if you’re pregnant, we can’t divorce until our kid or kids reach eighteen.”

For a split moment, Lydia could only stare at Harvey in shock before anger took over. “Is that what you came here for? To accuse me!”

No! I’m here to tell you how I feel! Harvey’s mind shout at him but his ego refuses to let him admit that. “I’m not accusing you of anything because the proof is there!” He raises his hand and point at the playing babies. “Don’t lie to me that they are not my child. They resemble me completely and they have my scent!”

Lydia looked between Harvey and the babies. It’s true that the girls resembles Harvey in many ways but Lydia remembered how similar Gavin and Harvey looks. Glaring at Harvey, Lydia raise her head high, “I’m not lying to you! I know what the conditions said and if ever I was pregnant before our divorce was finalise I would stayed even against my will but what you are accusing me of is a not even accurate.

“First of all, they are not our child. I was never pregnant. There was a point I thought I was, that whole week felt like torture. Second of all, I don’t want to have a child with a man who doesn’t love.”

Harvey took a step back and stares at Lydia in shock. “They’re not our child?”

Lydia frowns at Harvey. She could understand why he will mistake the girls for his. She also knew that Harvey hired someone to look after her. Ivory had slipped it out during one of her sudden visit to Johanna and finding out that Lydia lives nearby.

“Then whose children are they?”

Lydia opens her mouth but she never got the chance to say anything as the doorbell rang. She excuses herself and opens the door.

“Lydia?” Gavin looked at the woman who answered the door. At first he was annoyed at Johanne for leaving their children to none relative. But Johanna reassures him that she trusts the person and now he knows why. “Harvey?”

Harvey had stepped forward to see who was at the door. Seeing his shocked brother at the door with Johanna, everything seems to click together. Not able to help himself, Harvey burst out laughing.

“Are you sure you’re going to be alright?” Johanna asked, looking over Lydia’s shoulder and eyeing Harvey on the sofa. “I can kick him out for you if you want.”

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