Beach Day

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You were getting ready to go meet the boys at the lake. You had madethe plans the day after the...incident...with the boys' fangirls.Normally you could handle yourself, but one against eight? That wastoo much for anyone. You could hit these bitches blow for blow whenit came to just the verbal, you didn't know that they were attackinganyway.

Plus you didn't want to deal with it. You didn't even understand whatwas going on. Not like it particularly mattered at this point.Feliks, Tino, and yourself had all dealt with bullying while thethings to Berwald were more quietly glaring. If you had known youwould have fought back but you didn't know until three days later andhad given all eight boys a good lecture on how you were anindependent woman. This wasn't Victorian England. Feliks was so gladhe didn't get dragged into this.

The eight boys all looked appropriately chastised, some likeVladimir, Tino, Gilbert, and Antonio looked like a scolded puppy,others like Lukas and Berwald just looked embarrassingly sad, and theothers somewhere in the middle.

In preparation you put on a (favorite color) one piece that washaltered. The stitching was slimming and you loved it. You did put ona pair of jean shorts, and a off the shoulder oversized beige shirtthat in black in vertical is the peace sign, a heart, and a book.Peace, love, and books. All the world needs.

You placed on a straw hat with a (favorite color) ribbon wrappedaround it on top of your (hair color) head to protect your (skintone) skin from the sun's rays. You slipped on a pair of sandles andtook a bag holding a (favorite color) beach towel and a change ofclothing as the lake had a small cabin like one room that you coulduse to change out of the wet clothing.

You waved goodbye running out with a wave to your little(brother/sister). When you got to the picturesque lake you smiled,there were very few people here, there were spring green grass andsky blue water, a few pops of color from randomly growing wildflowers.

You smiled seeing the group you were going to meet already there,waving to them as you headed over. They were already in their swimtrunks, dark red for Vladimir, dark blue for Lukas, dark green forArthur, a lighter blue for Francis, black and white for Gilbert, anda bright red for Antonio. Each also had a towel they laid out in thepattern of the flag from their homeland, how the hell Gilbert got atowel with the Prussian flag pattern you will never know.

You smiled at them as you got closer and they smiled back, you wereso cute int straw hat and oversized cotton shirt that clearly showedthe (favorite color) halter straps of your swimsuit. You waved tothem excitedly as they waved back and ran over giving the morefriendly ones, as in all but Arthur and Lukas, a hug.

"Draga? (Honey?) Why aren't you giving Arthur and Lukas a hug?"Vladimir asked giving you a puppy dog pout eyes. He was still wearinghis hat, and Lukas was wearing his Nordic Cross pin.

"Lukas and Arthur don't really seem to like physical contact."You point out as the two said boys looked at each other and than atyou.

"You can hug me if you want, love." Arthur said looking awayblushing as you let out a large smile and walked foreword intoArthur's pale arms that wrapped around your chubby (skin tone) bodyto his chest.

"Ja, (Yes,) I agree." Lukas added as you pulled from Arthur andhugged Lukas, who felt slightly cold even in the balmy weather. Afteryou pulled away Lukas took off his pin and Vladimir took off his hat.

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