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You were sitting in the library studying, World War II was veryinteresting but hard to keep up with which is why you had the atlas.Something such as America didn't do much to win the war, just gotinto the war at the right time so it ended quickly, in all honesty itwas probably Russia that did the best for the Allies. Others, likeCanada, were not directly involved-officially. What Canada did wasgive America tanks and soldiers became American citizens to bedrafted. They gave it to them, they had no control of what they didwith them. You always imagined soldiers marching going "I'mCanadian, I was born in Quebec for god's sake." and someone elsegoing "you are AMERICAN! Eat this beef jerky!" and then the poorCanadian turned American going "I want some pountine, hoser."which always made you giggle.

You were tracing the lines of battle in the atlas when you jumped atloud banging and yelling in six different languages. You looked upand a gasp got stuck in your throat. It was the entire Bad Touch Trioand Magic Trio arguing. Francis and Arthur were strangling each otherinsulting each other in French and English. Lukas was stranglingGilbert with his tie, he was growling in Norwegian while Gilbertstrangled out a few words in German, Vladimir was glaring at Antonioand growling in Romanian while Antonio was yelling at him in Spanish.

You sighed, why did they hate each other so much? Couldn't theyjust stay away from each other and not say anything to each other?And why wasn't the school faculty not doing anything anyway? You tookyour stuff and walked out, walking right by them, having to pushArthur, Lukas, and Antonio out of the way.

You didn't see them stop fighting, the trios glaring at each otherangrily before going out. If they didn't talk to you now you'd beharassed by those freaks. So they followed you, you heard footstepsand turned to see them and raised an eyebrow.

"Can I help yo-" you trailed off as you realized Gilbert waswearing glasses and you started blushing.

"Kesesesesese~ vat iz it frau? (girl?) Do jou zhocked at mein (my)awesomeness?" He asked as you looked away blushing.

"Your wearing glasses." You point out as he glasses and his handflies to his face finding the glasses and wrenching them from hisface.

"Forget jou saw dat!" He commanded as you shrugged.

"What do you guys want?" You asked as they all blushed somewhatthough none was that noticeable except for Arthur.

"Well chereie (darling) we were thinking per'aps you'd like tozpend zome time with uz?" Francis asked as you blinked, the mostpopular guy of the most popular trio was asking you to spend timewith you? What was up with this?

"You leave the boyu draga (darling sweetheart) alone!" Vladimirgrowled stepping closer to you and glaring at the Frenchman.

"The chica (girl) can speak for herself, si? (yes?)" Antonioglared at the Romanian.

"Ja! (Yes!) Maybe jou can wear zome of de corzetz dat we know jouown? Kesesesese~ Jou'd look hot like that!" Gilbert laughed as youblushed red as a tomato that Antonio loved so much.

Lukas was at Gilbert in a moment chocking with his tie as Vladimirpunched him in the stomach and Arthur started screaming. Antonio andFrancis started trying to pull Lukas and Vladimir from their pooralbino friend.

"Everyone stop it!" You screamed as they all stopped to look atyou shocked, you were always so quiet. You kept to yourself and justnever were very loud. To see you scream at them was shocking. "Howabout a compromise? I am going to this nice vegan cafe this weekend.If you can get along you are invited, don't and your not." You saidshrugging, "that means you start a fight and I find out-and I willfind out-you won't be invited. Do we have a deal?"

"Ja! (Yes!)" Gilbert coughed out just now getting his breathback.

"Oui! (Yes!)" Francis agreed happily.

"Si senorita! (Yes ma'am!)"

"Are we invited to?" Vladimir asked with his puppy dog eyes.

"If you can get along." You answer as he nods happily.

"Da (Yes) then."

"I agree," Arthur blushed looking away, "just as long as thatbloody frog leaves me alone!"


"Ja, (Yes,) I agree as well." Lukas ended nodding as well.

"Okay, seriously. Arthur and Francis, no insulting and strangling,Lukas no strangling people with their tie-that includes Matthis."You add trying not to laugh as Lukas's eyes widen comically. "Gilbertand Antonio try not to annoy people, and Vladimir don't purposefullyscare people." You say as they nod in agreement, some more readilythen others. "Also try to be nice~" you say waving and walkingaway, "hopefully at least a few of you can make it."

The week watching the two trios purposefully having to be nice toeach other. Matthis enjoyed annoying Lukas to not have to worry aboutbeing chocked. Especially since he kind of knew you and wouldimmediately squeal if Lukas did it. It got so bad his hands shook.This was incredibly enjoyable. By Wednesday you were willing to letall six hang out later since they were so entertaining.

The firstparagraph is true, Canada did do that, the country was involved inWWII, hell it's the second largest country in the world, right behindRussia. Me and my brother do the entire Canada-America thing, I do aCanadian accent while my brother either does a Texas or New Yorkaccent. By the way, pountine in America is pronounced Poon-tang andit means you want sex, in Canada it's pronounced poo-tain and it is adish, fries, gravy, and cheese.

I like makingreader-Chan very strong in this. She has to keep these two waringfactions civil.

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