Someone To Defend

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Here's the first chapter of what will probably be the most depressing story I write on this account

Gwaine sat in his chambers, deep in thought. Almost as soon as Lancelot's 'funeral' was over he'd excused himself giving off the impression he was tired. He was, but he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep. Now he sat, staring out of the window, remembering the time he'd gotten to spend with his beloved knight before he'd lost him.


Gwaine was laying on the floor beside his bed, hidden from the door. He'd just managed to, somehow, escape from Gaius. He'd been at the tavern and gotten into a fight with someone. Again. This particular someone was a lot better at fighting than Gwaine had expected. But at least this time he actually had a reason to throw the first punch! He snapped back into reality as he heard his door open.

"Gwaine? You in here?" A voice asked. Gwaine let out the breath he'd been holding when he recognised the voice and sat up to see Lancelot standing in the doorway. "Maybe," he replied, giving the other knight a cheeky grin. "What are you doing on the floor?" Lancelot asked, walking around the bed toward Gwaine. "Nothing," Gwaine answered, still keeping the grin in place. Lancelot rolled his eyes and sat on the floor next to Gwaine. After a moment of silence Lancelot asked, "You're hiding from Gaius, aren't you?"
"What happened this time?"
"Just a fight."
"At the tavern?"
"What's your excuse this time?"
Gwaine's smile dropped and he looked down, glaring at the floor. The sudden change didn't go unnoticed. "You can tell me," Lancelot softly told the slightly shorter man.
"This guy.. he was... he insulted you," Gwaine stammered, surprising himself with how nervous he sounded. He was worried what Lancelot would say. This worry only grew when there was once again silence. Gwaine glanced at Lancelot and saw the shocked expression on his face. "So you, stood up for me?" He questioned, sounding uncertain, disbelieving.
"Yes," Gwaine answered quickly, his gaze returning to the floor.
After another second Gwaine felt a weight, Lancelot's arm, around his shoulders.
"Thank you," Lancelot whispered, resting his head on Gwaine's shoulder. Out of the corner of his eye, Gwaine could see the smile on the other's face and couldn't help but smile himself as he relaxed against Lancelot.


Gwaine felt tears slip down his cheeks as he replayed the scene in his head. That had only happened a few months ago. And now Lancelot was gone. Gwaine hid his face in his hands at the thought, wishing with all his heart that somehow Lancelot would come back, even though he knew he wouldn't.

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