Someone To Hold

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Gwaine laid on the roof of the castle. There was a feast inside but he'd left almost instantly. He just wanted to be alone. His mind wandered back to the last time he'd been up on this roof. That time he hadn't been alone.


"Are you sure this is safe?" Lancelot asked as Gwaine helped him onto the edge of the castle's rooftop.
"Nope," was the reply he got.
Lancelot rolled his eyes and tried to balance himself on the slope of the roof. Gwaine stood up and walked further up the roof before letting himself drop into a sitting position. "Come join me," he called to the other knight, who was still crouched and tense by the edge of the tiles. Lancelot but his lip and slowly stood up, walking away from the edge as quickly as he could without falling.
"How did you even figure out how to get up here?" He asked the other man as he sat down next to him.
"I have my ways," he responded.
"Yeah, like getting drunk, stumbling up here and somehow managing to not fall," Lancelot joked.
Gwaine stayed silent and just grinned at him.
"Wait, seriously? I was kidding!" Lancelot exclaimed in disbelief. He'd have to keep an eye on Gwaine next time he got too drunk.
"I won't lie, I'm surprised too," Gwaine told him, laughing at the expression on the other's face.
"About which part? The fact you didn't fall, or the fact you actually remembered how to get up here?"

They both laid down and stayed silent for a while, looking at the stars. Gwaine eventually got bored with them and turned his head to look at Lancelot.
A few moments later, without looking away from the dark sky, Lancelot said simply, "You're staring."
"How did you know?"
Lancelot looked over at Gwaine. "Because I know you too well."
He turned back to the sky, not bothered or surprised when Gwaine didn't do the same. An icy wind blew over the kingdom and Lancelot shivered, wishing he had a jacket or something to keep warm.

Suddenly he felt Gwaine's arm wrap around his torso and pull him closer to other knight. Lancelot rolled to face him and raised an eyebrow.
"You're cold," Gwaine stated and he tugged Lancelot closer again. Lancelot didn't fight, he'd gotten used to Gwaine doing this kind of thing. He buried his head in Gwaine's neck and felt his chin rest on his head. Lancelot let out a sigh and relaxed completely, saying into Gwaine's neck, "You really can be romantic when you want to."

They both stayed there for hours. Mostly they slept but for about an hour or two they talked about random things. The whole time they stayed in the same position, just enjoying being with each other.


Gwaine felt the, by now familiar, tears roll down his face as he looked at the empty space beside him. He could hear the music and laughter coming from the feast. He couldn't leave the roof yet though. At the feast he'd felt more alone than he ever had before, sitting silently the whole time he was there, just waiting for Lancelot to appear and wrap his arms around him and talk to him and laugh and joke with him. But he didn't. Even up here, by himself, Gwaine felt better than being down there, seeing everyone else happy and together. His friends wouldn't be able to understand. None of them even knew that he and Lancelot had been dating, except Merlin, who had figured it out not long ago. None of them had any idea how lonely Gwaine really felt at the moment. And, yet again, Gwaine found himself wishing on every star in the sky that night that somehow he could have Lancelot back.

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