Someone To Love

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Happy birthday to me (if you're reading this on the day I publish it (September 9th), yes, it is my birthday)... this is also the final chapter of I Miss You... I'm gonna miss I Miss You (see what I did there) but it has to end at some point and this is where I planned to end it all along -cry because I really liked writing this- okay, okay, I'll actually write the chapter now

Gwaine laid on Lancelot's bed while Lancelot leaned on him. It had been a week since he'd returned and their relationship had been announced almost straight after Lancelot had gotten back, before it was too late again. Everyone had accepted them, well, everyone that mattered had. There were still people that couldn't understand two men being in love, there probably always would be those people, but as long as they didn't bother Gwaine or Lancelot about it they didn't mind. They were just glad to be back together.

Lancelot nuzzled into Gwaine's neck and Gwaine smiled, running a hand over his knight's back. Lancelot looked up and smiled back at Gwaine. They didn't say anything, just enjoyed the moment. They knew from experience, those moments don't last forever. They were knights, they laid down their lives all the time to serve their kingdom. Lancelot had already lost his life for Camelot, but thanks to Merlin, he had a second chance and Gwaine couldn't be more grateful.

Even that morning in training, Lancelot had been hurt, though it was only a sprained ankle. Gwaine had panicked and run straight over to him as he fell. It would be a long time before Gwaine could stay calm when Lancelot was anywhere near danger, but they all understood. He was afraid to lose his love again, they all would be. Lancelot kept reassuring him that he was fine, but had let Gwaine carry him back to the castle. Gaius had assured them it was only a mild sprain and he'd be fine within a few days. Until then, he had to limp around and if Gwaine caught him trying to walk he'd pick him up and ask where he wanted to go.

Gwaine kissed Lancelot's forehead and smoothed his hair. He could barely believe it, he kept thinking it was a dream. His knight had come back and for however long they could stay together he had someone to defend, to comfort, to hold, to protect, to stay, to come back to, to wait for. He hadn't gotten to say goodbye when he lost Lancelot. He'd been unconscious, he hadn't even seen him leave. It had broken his heart but now Lancelot was back and snuggled up against him.

"I love you," he whispered.
"I love you too," Lancelot replied and kissed Gwaine's cheek.

Finally, Gwaine had someone to love.

It's over... I don't know what I'm meant to do with my life now. I mean, apart from writing other fanfics, but whenever I was bored or didn't know what to write this was my go-to fic so it's gonna be weird not writing this anymore. This is also the first book I've ever finished (apart from one called You Don't Know Me At All but that doesn't count because I had no motivation, I was forced to finish it) so that's an achievement. Sorry, I'm rambling, I don't want to stop writing this but this is the end so I'm stalling and making this note really long. Okay I should really stop now. Thank you for reading I Miss You and feel free to look at any of my other books. Votes and comments are appreciated (obviously) and, unless you just skipped through this, thanks for getting through the giant note of denial. It's over! -cries- I'm still stalling... ugh okay I'll stop. I know I said that before but I mean it this time. I'm actually going to stop writing right now. Yeah, right now. What do you mean I'm still stalling? -sigh- alright. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it, and goodbye. -waves goodbye-


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