Someone To Mourn

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This video is the saddest but most perfect tribute video I have ever watched.

Gwaine was glad they had a proper 'funeral' to say goodbye and pay their respects to Lancelot, as much as it broke his heart to watch fire burn around the cloak and sword. But, even though he was happy to have the chance to say goodbye, even just watching silently in the crowd of knights, it also made everything seem so much more real. As if before, there had been a chance Lancelot was alive and well and would run through the bushes as the group rode back to jump out and surprise them, but now it seemed like it was final, there was no going back, and it was a horrible, painful thought.

As the knights began to leave, Gwaine overheard Arthur and Gwen's conversation.

"He didn't sacrifice himself for Camelot."


"I asked him to look after you and he promised me with his life. He was true to his word."

Gwen voice shook and mixed with sobs as she spoke.

It took all Gwaine's self control, which was running low after the recent events, to not run up and punch her. How dare she think Lancelot only sacrificed himself to keep his promise to her. As Merlin, Arthur and Gwaine rode back to the others, Merlin had explained what had happened in more detail to Gwaine. Lancelot had sacrificed himself to save Merlin, to save Arthur, to save Camelot and to save anywhere else the dorocha would reach, so how dare Gwen think he'd only done it for her.

Gwaine stalked away from the courtyard and up to his chambers. He was half-expecting Lancelot to be waiting there, but of course, he wasn't. When Gwaine looked out of his window almost an hour later, he saw Gwen still standing by the pyre, alone. She didn't leave until late that night. Once she was gone, Gwaine rode Trinket out to the forest. He rode to a small clearing; a place he and Lancelot had loved to go to escape the castle whenever they could.

He sat by the lake and stared out at it. Trinket had been to the clearing enough times to not have to be tied anymore. He rolled around on a patch of dirt before grazing happily. Gwaine didn't move. He didn't move at all for the rest of the night. By morning he was exhausted but he didn't want to go back to the castle yet. He ended up spending another day in the clearing, he'd taken food and water in case he decided to, before heading back. None of the knights asked where he'd been. They were all still mourning their lost friend and it wasn't surprising when several of them had skipped training the day before.

Gwaine could barely focus for weeks afterward, though he had to pretend he could. Nobody except Merlin knew he and Lancelot were anything more than good friends, so he had to keep up the act that they had been.

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