Someone To Stay

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Gwaine sighed as the girl he'd been flirting with walked away, winking as she left. She was the third girl this week but Gwaine hadn't meant any of what he'd said to any of them.


Lancelot let Gwaine fall onto his bed ungracefully. The latter had just gotten back from a patrol and had managed to fall from his horse and almost get kicked as the mare spooked. Fortunately, he'd dodged the horse's hooves and only had a few bruises from the fall, but being Gwaine he insisted on exaggerating.

"I swear I heard something snap!" He said again, reaching up to the other knight. "Lance help me, I'm dying!"

Lancelot laid down next to Gwaine and listened to him talk about the wolf that had supposedly jumped out to attack his horse.

"A few minutes ago you said it was a pack of foxes and before that it was a giant snake, how many animals came after you?" Lancelot asked when Gwaine finished his story.
"There were a lot of them! I was lucky to survive!"

Lancelot just rolled his eyes and asked, "How do I put up with you?"
"I have no idea. Nobody else sticks around this long unless they're planning to kill me in my sleep."
Lancelot paused for a second before saying, " I'm not sure which part of what you just said worries me more."

Gwaine pulled Lancelot closer and wrapped his arms around him, kissing his forehead softly. Lancelot smiled and snuggled against Gwaine. They stayed silent for a moment before Lancelot asked, "So what really happened?"
"The horse spooked when a branch fell nearby and I fell off. She almost kicked me right in the head! I think I'll stick to riding Trinket."
"And are you really in that much pain?"
"No, just a bit sore, the ground was pretty hard."
"Oh poor Gwaine, defeated by a hard patch of dirt," Lancelot smirked into the other man's neck.
"Tragic, I know, I don't have much longer, oh the pain! It's too much!" Gwaine exclaimed dramatically.
Lancelot laughed and hugged Gwaine tightly. "No! Gwaine! You have to fight it! Stay with me!" He pleaded between laughs.

Gwaine couldn't help but grin and hold his knight tightly.


Before he knew it, Gwaine was in Lancelot's room. He almost broke down when he saw it. Everything was still in the same place it had been when Lancelot was still around, almost like he was still there. It still smelled like him too, there was no mistaking that forest/rain scent he'd always seemed to have following him around. And it was then, as his back slid down the door and his knees tucked into his chest, not wanting to move anything because that would make Lancelot being gone so much more real, that Gwaine realised all the times he'd told Lancelot that he was the only one who stayed around for so long were true. He'd been mostly joking when he said it, but now that he thought about it, he could barely remember being with anyone else for more than a day. Either they'd left him or he'd left the town, but none of the relationships he'd had ever survived long. Except with Lancelot. When they went to The Isle of the Blessed, Gwaine and Lancelot had already been dating for five months. They were still together when Lancelot had sacrificed himself.

Gwaine felt himself shudder as more and more tears fell and he wished and wished over and over that Lancelot would come back.

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