Chapter Two: Kiora

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Everything happened all too fast, it was all a blur, I blinked multiple times to see clearly but my vision kept fading and fading. I felt someone nibbling on my neck, it didn't hurt nor did it feel like I was in any pain at all.

I felt numb.

I glance downwards at my hand and saw a swirl of red and black colors on my hand; it seemed to stain the entire floor and everyone around me. Lying on the floor, where the lights above blinded me, my breathing began to slow down, my ears caught distorted noises of screams and gargles, my eyes became heavy as things started to evanesce... this it? this the end of my existence?

"Get up" A voice called out to me.

"Who's there?" 

"Your fights not over yet....Ronnie"

"Please let me sleep, I love the feeling of this beautiful warmth" I raised my hand in the air trying to touch the light.

"Wake up from this dream and end the nightmare. Rise, rise and be the man you shall become!"

"Please let me sleep, everyone has a reason for why they do the things they do and I forgive them. We all struggle, so let this be the end of my struggle." I pleaded, I know my eyes are this a dream?

"Then forgive these sinners by leading them into the light!" 

In the amidst of chaos, before I knew it my eyes opened instantly and just like that I saw nothing but a bright light braising everyone.

I wasn't affected though; it was as if I was the one who was frying everyone who harmed those closest to me. After that I blacked out.

I didn't know how long I was out, "Hey....yoohoo...", I heard a sour and somewhat childish voice, "Wakey wakey sleepy head, wakey."

Suddenly I felt wet.

Something hovering over my face, dripping over my cheek, it tickled my ear and was kind of rough. I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was a teenage girl's face with a deathtrap over her head.

I flinched and crawled backwards while facing her, she smiled and seemed harmless enough, "W-what were you doing hovering over my face with all that over you? Did you just drool on me?" I asked, breathlessly.

She smiled, revealing her braces all while trying to adjust her neck brace, "Shorry, I was trying to wake you but you have such a pretty face I couldn't help but inshpect it." Her tone indicates that she's done this before and her braces have given her a slight lisp problem.

"I-I'm sorry....who are you?" I asked, calmly all while trying to gather my thoughts.

"Oh, shorry I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Kiora Carlisle and I just have to say, WOW!" She shouted in excitement.

"What is it?"

"You were shining like a shooting shtar, what kind of vampire are you?" She said, curiously.

"I'm sorry, what do you mean what vampire am I?" I reacted calmly to her question; although I wasn't exactly sure I wanted the answer.

"You're a vampire? Omg you are a newly bitten vampire aren't chu?" She said in realization, slowly crawling towards me as she tried to explain the details from earlier, "You have to be newly born otherwise you wouldn't so confusedly ask what vampire are you. Beshides I take it you haven't undershtood your ability yet. From what I gathered earlier you were shining like the sun with glowing arms and a halo dangling over your head." She gasped, "Are you an Angel?"

Her eyes widen behind her round Harry Potter spectacles and finally kneeling before me, I found myself pinned against a wall as I had a brief flashback of what happened earlier.

"I remember screaming, but was it me or someone attack.....crying......I remember blood everywhere, and then a voice calling out to me."

"Was it my voice?" She said, affectionately.

"No this voice sounded enchanting and melancholy yet sweet."

"Yeah I have that effect on men." She countered.

"Ew no, blah not you."

"Hey behind this metallic contraption and muzzled teeth, I am a gorgeous teenage vampire female and ain't nobody fiercer than me." She snapped her fingers and defended herself in a diva-like manner.

"Ah...okay?" I said, blandly.

"So what kind of vampire are you? I mean what is your unique ability that makes you differ from other vampires." Kiora asked, sitting politely in front of me, crossing her legs.

"What do you mean? And what makes you think I am a vampire...I don't feel-" Before I could finish my sentence, my fangs shot out, I panicked and nearly had a panic attack. "This can't be can't"

"But it is real, it just happened like hours ago. I mean I thought you would notice your church...or what's left of it before you fell asleep."

"" I stood up and walked passed Kiora as I scanned everything in sight, from the ceiling to the floor, everything was indeed my church or like she said, what's left of it.

I fell on my knees, breathing sharply, my body shivered yet froze, I had the urge to scream yet my mouth opened but nothing came out but a tear from my eye and a silent whimper.


"There, there let it all out." Kiora comforted me, patted my back.

I finally let out a scream after staring into nothing but an empty crater in the middle of the church, I was getting the sense that it looked like an abyss and that it had eyes staring right back at me.

I take it was morning because I notice beams of light shooting through the dark clouds, "We have to go, the sun is going to rise soon and it's best not to be here." Kiora warned as she tried to nudge me.

"Leave me alone Kiora Carlisle."  

An unexpected beam of sunlight struck us and I stood there, embracing it. 

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