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The king and queen were convinced the weather on Sunday was a blessing from God. The servants had begun setting up on the front castle lawn just after down, and they barely needed their coats by the time of royal breakfast. It was shaping out to be a good event day.

The maids were swarming Ginny from the moment she took her last bite, obviously an order from her own mother. She seemed overwhelmed through Patrick's eyes, but she must have been swimming in the attention that she was getting as they led her upstairs to large powder rooms to help her prepare.

Patrick was instructed by his parents to do the same, even though he was taking his time to eat and he wasn't yet finished with his meal. They told him to scurry off, an he knew it was no use arguing. The prince trudged off to his room and decided he might as well take some time to look presentable in front of a large portion of the kingdom. He seemed surprised at his recent attitude change about his looks for community events.

Earl was at his door half an hour later, looking Patrick's outfit up and down to approve of it. He nodded slightly, leaving Patrick to let out a small breath he didn't know he was holding and look to fix his hair a few more times. Earl chuckled, walking in to stand behind the prince as he looked in the mirror.

"Since when have you been so concerned about your hair?"

Patrick half-smiled. "Just looking out for myself, Earl."

The conversation ended there.


At ten sharp, Patrick and his parents stood from their throne-like chairs on the front castle property and watched as Ginny came down the stone steps. She was wearing a long, fancy green dress with makeup caked on her face, and Patrick couldn't help but think about how quickly his little sister was growing up. They were having a competition to help find a husband for her, for Christ's sake.

The events started shortly after some opening remarks and the sounds of approval from the crowd. The royal family sat back and watched as different men presented themselves and their strengths. Patrick was interested in them at first, but soon found himself scanning the crowd for Pete as always. The tan man wasn't in sight, but he didn't let it get to him. Patrick knew he would turn up later, even if it was in the gardens to meet him after the day had closed.

Lunch was at high noon, and the family returned inside to eat their meal and cool off while the village people stayed outside and possibly ate if they could get their hands on some of the event food. But soon enough, everyone was back outdoors and in their respectable places, ready for the competition to pick up where it had left off.

There were a new set of men this time, mostly higher class just like the last group, and they continued to exhibit their strengths just the same.

About halfway through the archery and weightlifting portion, commotion had broken out all the way at the end of the low class section. All had turned to see what the situation was, but the only visible part were guards rushing to the area. By this point the competitors had completely stopped what they were doing and turned to see what was happening. 

Confusion was spread throughout until a loud scream was heard from the scene. People gasped, tried to push forward to see what was happening, but were held back by the other guards that were called in to help.

The same screams echoed again, this time even louder, and it felt like an arrow went straight through Patrick's heart.

He knew that voice.

The group of guards seemed to have detached themselves from the group and made their way towards where the royal family sat. "Your highness!" One of the men yelled to the king as he approached. "A villager was attempting to sneak his way onto the back of the property. An off-limits area."

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