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The carriage that was carrying Patrick rolled across the dirt road, something quite different from the normal cobblestone under it.

They were on their way to Pete's village, all due to Patrick's request. He had visited the middle-classes on his education tours, but never any third class areas. It was important to him to play a part in Pete's home life after almost a year after the beginning of their secret meetings.

"That's him!" Patrick exclaimed to the driver. "There he is!"

The man brought the horses to a stop but didn't even get a chance to step out and open the door for Patrick before the prince was jumping out and jogging towards Pete.

The two collided in a hug, both overjoyed to see each other again. They shared a brief kiss with the knowledge of their small audience, and Pete led Patrick in the direction of his family.

"These are my parents," Pete said as he motioned to two adults standing in front of a tiny wood house. "And these are my siblings."

Patrick shook hands with the four Wentz's, giving them a big smile in hopes for some in return. The teenagers beamed at him, and so did the mother, but the father seemed just slightly off about the situation.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, your highness," Mrs. Wentz spoke with her grin. The prince shook his head.

"Please, just call me Patrick."

The other boy, who must have been a year or two older than Pete, smiled as he looked Patrick up and down. "Pete hasn't stopped talking about you since day one. You're just like he described you as."

Patrick blushed a deep red and felt Pete slip his right hand into his own left one. He shifted closer to his boyfriend.

"How do we know we can trust you?" Pete's father blurted out in the middle of the comfortable silence. Pete's smile faded and he glared at him with confusion.

"I-I'm sorry?" Patrick stuttered.

"Dad what do you-"

"How do we know this isn't just a ploy by your family to seem more connected with the low class? Or a way to distract the country from something else that you might be doing?"


Patrick squeezed Pete's hand. "No, Pete, I've got this." When the older boy reluctantly backed off, Patrick turned back to the father. "Sir, I can assure you I am doing nothing of the sort. My parents did not even know about the relationship until a few weeks ago. They have just now allowed me to see your son under certain circumstances. . .I love Pete, I would do anything for him."

Those seemed to be the magic words for Mr. Wentz. He smiled, a real smile this time, and placed his hand on his wife's shoulder. "We're grateful for you in our son's life. I hope we can become more acquainted in the future, Patrick."

Patrick grinned, thanked the Wentz family, and Pete kissed his cheek. The older man seemed ready to help him back into the carriage, but the prince stopped him.

"Wait," he said. "You should show me around your village. I've told you so much about my life, I want to know about your's now."

Pete grinned, wider than Patrick had ever seen him, and pulled him off down the road that the carriage was driving on. He told his parents what they were doing, and they agreed with similar smiles.

Every few moments along the way, Pete would point out someone or something, explaining the backstory behind it or the connection to him. People stepped out of their homes, ecstatic to see the prince walking down the street hand in hand with one of the boys that lived in their community.

"Oh hey!" Pete exclaimed, pointed ahead again. "There's Mikey!"

A boy in the distance turned around at the sound of his name and smiled when he saw Pete. He jogged over to the two.

"Patrick, this is Mikey," Pete introduced. "He's been my best friend since the day he was born. He was the one who actually convinced me to first meet up with you."

Patrick shook hands with the boy that had a soccer ball under one arm and introduced himself.

"We're just about to start a village match, do you guys want to come and watch?"

Patrick nodded, and Mikey ran off towards the group of boys ahead of them.

Pete and Patrick looked at each other and squeezed their connected hands. They both stepped forward, ready to defy the odds and close the distance between their two worlds.


Distance Between Us | Peterick AU Where stories live. Discover now