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The approached the foot of the mountain, both extremely out of breath and exhausted from the chase. It was a blessing that gravity was on their side, giving them the extra pull downhill.

"That mess of boulders down there," Patrick pointed out breathlessly. "We need to go there. Don't stop, just run. Go in as far back as we possibly can."

Pete nodded silently and gripped harder on the hand that was holding his. They had to make this, they had to.

They made a beeline for the rocks after finally stepping off the inclined ground, quickly but carefully trying to squeeze between the slabs of stone.

"This thing is getting closer Patrick!" Pete called out in panic. The boulders began to get more packed together, the spaces becoming harder to fit between.

"I know, I know," Patrick shouted from behind. "Just keep going!"

He could feel the animal hovering above him, reaching its giant claws out to grab him. Patrick spotted a small pile of the boulders with a space between up ahead.

"Go around those stones!" He shouted again. The dragon took another reach for him. Pete didn't respond, but made a move for where Patrick told him to go.

When the creature moved its claw down again, the prince lifted his sword and swung blindly above him. He felt himself make some sort of contact, the dragon screeched, and Patrick felt a splat of something warm on his neck and his back. He didn't even want to think about what it was.

While the dragon was distracted by the pain, Patrick sprinted up and pushed himself and Pete behind the pile of boulders. It was a tight fit, but both stuck it out and held their breaths as the creature flew above them, confused at the sudden vacant spot under it.

It circled around for a moment more, searching for the victims that were just there. It became frustrated, huffed a breath of fire one last time, and flew back up the mountain towards the castle.

"That was a close one," Pete breathed out. He took one look at Patrick and his eyes widened. "Look at you! You're a mess!"

Patrick suddenly became more aware of the liquid that was seeping down his neck and chest under his armor and clothing.

"What even happened?" Pete asked concerningly. He got up on his knees, almost looking like a mother ready to help in any way she could.

"I- I swung my sword up and hit the dragon," he reached back and touched the back of his neck, staring in disgust at the thick purple liquid now on his hand. ". . .And I guess I got bled on a little bit."

Pete made a disgusted sound and turned Patrick around, taking a look at the purple mess down the prince's back. He tugged at his leather armor, and Patrick got the message to peel it off.

They sat in silence as Pete used a flat rock to push and scrape off the sticky liquid the covered the back of the chest plate. The sky began to get darker as he worked, and soon enough, Patrick began to feel a few drops on his head and arms.

"Pete," he whispered. "I think we are going to get some rain."

Minutes later, the two were sat back against the biggest rock, shielded from the pouring rain by the slab perched above them.

"You should probably get some sleep," Pete spoke quietly. "We probably won't be able to get a move on for awhile."

Patrick refused sleepily, claiming he was fine and that Pete's the one who should sleep, but the older man wouldn't have it.

"I haven't done anything but sleep the past two weeks. Plus I was sleeping up until you came into my room. You climbed a mountain and a castle before that."

Distance Between Us | Peterick AU Where stories live. Discover now