Part 3.

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Part 3.

A week had past and I couldn't take this place anymore. Sessions with Dr. Moore have been the same everyday, boring, and uneventful. I rarely left my room - like always, and something always happens with one of the patients at least once a day. I've avoided Eli, but with great difficulty, I mean his room is right next to mine, and I have to see him when I go get my medication, not to mention the fact he sits outside my room asking if I'm ever going to "experience life anytime soon" and if I'm alright.

I always want to burst through that door and just start yelling at him. Telling him that no I'm not alright, I haven't been alright for three god damn years and since meeting you it's made it harder! That I haven't been able to stop thinking about you, and avoiding you is the hardest thing for me and that no matter how much I've tried to convince myself over the past week, I have already started falling for you and I hate it!

But I never did, I just sat on my bed holding my knees to my chest like I am right now.

I want to talk to Eli, I want to see that smile of his, but I can't bring myself to do it. Part of me is saying "Go talk to him" while another part of me is saying "No just stay away from him, your better off pushing him away."

I let out a small shriek and threw my pillow at my curtains. I need to make up my mind but I can't!

"Elijah get in here now!" I shouted, knowing he was sitting outside my door right now. And just as I figured, Eli hesitantly opened the door peeking his head through.

"All the way!" He did as I said and shut the door behind him.

"Are you angry?" He asked probably the most obvious question out there.

"Yes I am, Eli!"

"Can I ask why?"

"Because of you!" I pointed my finger at him, quickly getting up of my bed and taking two large steps up to him, jabbing my index finger to his chest.

"Why are you angry with me? If anything I should be angry with you, I mean you're the one who has been pretty much ignoring my existence the past week," he explained, taking my finger off of his chest, bringing it down to my side.

"Because you're so cute, charming, competely messed and just perfect!" I said hitting his chest repeatedly.

"That doest explain why have you have been ignoring me, Ivy Rose." He says softly, gently grabbing my wrists, stopping me from contuing to hit him.

"Forget it, I can't tell you." I sigh, resting my head on his chest.

"You can tell me anything, Ivy," he said pressing my body against his, wrapping his arms around me.

"I can't tell you yet" I tell, my voice muffled in his chest.

"I'll be waiting."

"Have you been to the roof, Ivy Rose?" Eli asks me, continuing to play with my fingers.

"Are we even allowed up there?"

"No, it's absolutely forbidden." He says looking up with a smile spreading across his face.

"And I'm guessing "little rebel Eli" has been up there before?"

"Indeed he has. And what a rebel he is, I suggest you keep away from him, many have said he is a horrible influence."

"I think I'm going to take me chances with him." I said.

"He's messed up, Ivy."

"I know he is, but so am I." I said looking up at him.

"You know it was you." He said after a few moments of silence.


"It was you. You're my reason for living, Ivy Rose."

"Way to put your whole life on me."

"What do you mean?"

"What if I mess up? What if I do something to stop me from being your reason to live, I'm going to be responsible for you dying, Eli." I say sadly. I was expecting a reply, but I got nothing. He just stopped playing with my fingers, grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"Ivy, if either one of us is going to mess up it's going to be me. I've messed up everything that is special to me - everyone that is special to me. So it wouldn't be your fault at all, it would just be me giving up."

"Can we stop please?" I ask, pulling myself onto his lap, burying my face into his shoulder.

I felt him nod his head and hold me tightly.

"Please don't give up," I mumble, my voice barely audible.

"Ivy I-"

"Please don't."

He didn't reply, he just kept silent and that worried me. I haven't known Eli all that long but I know that if he were to just give up and end his life it would devastate me. The week and a half that I've known Eli for has been full of happiness, an increased amount of anxiety, and fear. And I know for a

fact that if he were gone I would have one less reason to live.

"Eli do you-"

"Ten o' clock, Eli get out" Jackie said poking her head into my room. Over the past week Jackie had become my "main women" I guess you could say. When I was ignoring Eli I would have her come in my room an we talk about anything really and she would give me the best advice I've had in a long time. And I feel as if I've told her more that I have Dr. Moore.

"Oh come on now, Jackie," Eli spoke, "just another hour?"

"Sorry love birds, not going to happen. Maybe if you were a girl Eli, then I'd make an exception." She joked, opening the door wide and moving to the side to allow Eli room to leave.

"Maybe I should get a sex change then," he said almost to seriously.

"Oh I'm sure Ivy would just love her little crush to go though that type of procedure."

I could feel my cheeks heat up as Eli had a smirk growing on his lips.

"But seriously, out Eli."

Eli let out a loud over exaggerated sigh and turned his attention back to me.

"Your going to have to hold onto that thought, Ivy Rose." He pushed him self off my bed, and turning on his heal after planting a soft kiss on my cheek, leaving a small tingling sensation were his lips were just a moment ago.

"Goodnight, Ivy" he waved once before shoving his hands into the pockets of his black jeans.

"Goodnight, Eli" I called back just before I heard his door shut. And that's when I remembered that Jackie was still standing in the doorway.

"I'm glad to see you took into consideration on what we talked about, Ivy." She winked before shutting the door, leaving me with my cheeks heating up once again.

Quick a/n

(these wont happen often)

I know it's rather short and I'm sorry for that. But I just wanted to say I hope you're enjoying the story so far and that I am still looking for someone to portray Eli. Sadly I have not found someone perfect yet.

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