XVI: Torn To Shreds

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Sav woke up first.

He yawned, stretching his dissatisfied muscles. Sav glanced around, seeing that there was an obvious path created between the two chairs he and Joe had been in and the strange bed contraption Phil must've put together.

Oh, fuck. That poor nurse who had to move them. Sav realized he had been pushed a few good feet from the bed. Why hadn't he woken up?

Rick was still asleep, although it looked more natural now than being knocked out by drugs. He would probably wake up for real soon.

Sav glanced up at the clock. 8:37.

The bassist decided it was best to leave the others to wake up on their own. Almost on cue with that thought, Phil shifted on top of Steve.

Phil, realizing he was still on top of his sleeping love, quickly stopped moving. He didn't wish to wake Steve - and it was warmer on top of him anyway.

"G'morning, Phil." Sav whispered from the other side of the room, giving a small, sarcastic wave. Phil returned it, a cheeky grin passing his lips.

"G'morning, Sav." A hoarse, mocking voice claimed the silence following after, and Phil shifted his gaze upwards to land on Rick, who was sleepily smirking over at them.

"Rick! Bloody hell.." Sav shot out of his seat, leaning over the bed and giving his friend a gentle hug, avoiding his left side as best as possible.

Rick was desperate for answers. He couldn't remember anything that had happened after he had knocked himself out on the steering wheel. In reality, Rick had gone soaring out the windshield, and the seatbelt had severed his arm.

But Rick remembered none of that.

"Sav, what the fuck happened to my arm?" Rick hissed, motioning to the stitches encircling his shoulder.

Sav pulled away from the hug, finding himself lost for words.

He'll find out eventually. Might as well tell him now.

"Well.. it may or may not have been severed off.." Sav almost whispered, unable to finish.

"And they put it back on?" Rick questioned in astonishment, moving his fingers around in amazement.

"Yeah.. but.." Sav couldn't bring himself to tell Rick that if it got infected, it would have to be amputated for good.


"Nothing." Sav murmured, ruffling Rick's hair. "You're a real trooper, mate."

Rick laughed softly.

"I guess you could say that."

Sav smiled sadly.

"I'm gonna sleep s'more. Feel free to wake me if the others wake up."

Phil had fallen asleep again.

"A'ight, Ricky. Sweet dreams." Sav chuckled, turning to go curl up again.

"Wait, Sav.." Rick protested, reaching out with his good arm.

"Yep?" Sav paused, turning back around.

"Will I be able to play drums again?"

Sav found himself not knowing for sure.

"Of course you will, Rick. We aren't giving up on you, so you'd better not give up on yourself. You will play again. In time, mate. In time."

Rick was pleased with this answer, smiling to himself as Sav curled back up on his seat.

And by "seat", it wasn't the chair. It was Joe, who opened one eye before engulfing Sav in his embrace and promptly falling back asleep.

Terror Twin [Def Leppard] #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now