Do you.......remember me?

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Still Justin's P.O.V

"Go for help!" I screamed to Selena, she ran to the bus.
"It's ok Ari you will be okay, you have family, fans, friends and me. I love you. okay?"
I knew she didn't hear me, but I talked to her anyways.

In the next moment Ricky came, he pushed me away and grabbed Ariana's hand, he was worried..
"It's okay baby, ambulance is coming, you'll be allright." He said and smiled, but I could see tears in his eyes. Ambulance came and Ricky, Joan, Frankie and Alexa went with them. Me and Selena went by car. I was driving too fast, Selena annoyed me so much, I didn't listen to her, she was Just talking about where we can go after the tour.
"Maybe Hawaii?" Selena was thinking out loud.
"Are you kidding, Ariana almost died and you are talking about yourself again!?"
"No, I am talking about us. We can now be together forever." She said looking at me and smiling.
I stopped the car.
"You are right Selena, but can you please get out of this car I mean, I think we should take a break, you know I maybe love someone more. Now get out of my car." I said kinda proud of myself.
"Justin, if you do it, I'm going to tell everyone about it. " she screamed.
"Do it, I don't care, now get out of my car.!" I said and opened the door and pushed her out of my car. I started driving like crazy, Ariana needs me, was the only thought that I had in my head.

I came in the hospital, I wanted to go in, but Alexa stopped me, she was crying.
"Is she okay?" I asked whit tears in my eyes.
"I don't know." She said and tears started running out of her eyes.
"Do you love her?" Alexa asked me.
"Yes, I do." I answered.
"Please tell her that." She said still crying.
I hugged her.
"Okay,Let's go now" she said after.

We came to the hospital. We sat on our waiting chairs, we weren't allowed to go see Ariana. Alexa was crying on Frankie's shoulder, Joan was very serious, she didn't say a word and Ricky was staring in me with hate in his eyes.

"Anything new?" Alexa asked
"No" Frankie said.

We sat like that for a long hour and nothing changed.

Soon the doctor came in the room.
"Can I speak to Joan Grande?" He asked
"Yes, yes of course." She said.
They went in other room, but they were back soon.
"She is better" Joan said to us
"And she wants to see you" she said and turned to Alexa.

Alexa ran to Ariana's room

She came out of the room smiling, after her Ricky and Frankie went into the room. Nobody said a word to me so I was just sitting and waiting.
"Do you want to see her?" Asked Joan
"Yes" I said
Ariana's P.O.V

Im awake, I don't really know what happened, I only know, that "someone" broke my heart, I am okay, but I don't know how soon I will forget it.

"Hey" I heard his voice, he looked at me like I was something, that he really cared for.
"What's your name again" I said, but of course I knew it, he was Justin, he was the one who hurt me so bad, he broke my heart once and forever.
"Ariana? Do you?Do you remember me?" He sat on my bed and hold my hand."I'm Justin, we are on tour together, please remember me." He said and started crying.
"I'm sorry." I said and tear almost came out of my eye.

In the same moment Ricky came in the room. He looked at Justin, than me and our hands. He looked angry, his face was red and his eyes were full of anger and hate.
Justin looked at him, but he was still holding my hand.

"There is one thing I think you should know."he said and looked in my eyes. "I love you Ariana Grande Butera."he said and went to the doors, in next moment Ricky slapped him, he hit him In his stomach and Justin fall on the floor.

"Ricky stop!" I yelled
Ricky looked at me and went out of the room. Maybe he went for some fresh air.
"Justin?" I said, but I didn't get the answer, i went to him. I saw him lying on the floor, he was so sweet, his blond hair was covering his forehead and his eyes were closed.
I sat on the floor next to him, I knew he couldn't hear me.
"I love you too"I whispered.
"Help!" I screamed, the doctor came in the room and looked at Justin.
"What happened?"
"He felt" I lied.
Half an hour later

"He is ok" said doctor, who just came in my room
"He gave me this letter, he said that it's very important and it's for you." He said and gave me a piece of paper.
"Thank you" I said
"No problem"he said and went out of my room.

Wow what is this I said to myself, I opened it, it said this:

Hi, Ariana.

I know you remember me, I heard you talking to me. It hurts me, when you are pushing me away, it hurts me when you are with Ricky. I never loved Selena, but I had to be with her, you wouldn't understand. I don't know what will happened to our tour, I don't know, if we will ever be together. But if you are ready to give me the second chance I will take it. I loved you since we first met at the park, It was hard to stay away from you on the tour. I understand if you want to tell the world the truth about #Jariana. Tomorrow, I will be waiting in the park, I will be there for a whole day, come, if you are ready to give me another chance.

With love, Justin.

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