It was all because of the car.........

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The elevator took us down, but we were still kissing. Kiss was very long. I heard a voice so I pushed him away
"What the hell are you two doing?!" Said Selena
"It was nothing!" said Justin
"Yes, Sco..." I started, but Selena slapped Justin and left, I could see the pain on Justin's face, he was almost bleeding. He ran behind her.
"Fuck" I said to myself
"Good job, on the stage it looked like you two really are dating" said Scoter who just came in the room.
"Thanks" I said
"Where is Justin?" He asked
"Am, he went to Selena." I lied
1 hour later-on the bus

"That definitely was something!!!!!!!!" Almost screamed Alexa.
"He was very sad when he saw Selena."I said sadly
"Girl you have to break up with Ricky" said Alexa
"No, Selena hates me already because of the kiss , she will hate me even more if I am single." I said smiling
"True" she said
"Hey, girls" said mom who just came in the room.
"Hey" we said.
"It's time for m&g." She smiled and we went to the m&g place.

I noticed that Justin wasn't there. We had a tour together, did he forgot about meet & greet, maybe he was too busy convincing Selena that nothing happened, maybe he is sick, what if he is trying to escape from the tour.
"Ari did you fall asleep" asked Scoter
"What? No!" I said
"You better stop dreaming, arianators are waiting! He said
"Oh, yeah. Scoter?I said
"Yes Ari?"
"Is Justin coming to the meet& greet?" I asked
"He should be here any minute, go now fans are waiting" he said, but he wasn't sure.

"Hi Ariiiiiii!" I heard my babes screaming
"Hi Babies!" I screamed back.

I went to my place, Justin still wasn't there, we had to take pictures together. I was kinda worried about him.
The first arianator came in.
"Hey babe" I said and hugged him.

We had a short talk, but than Scooter came in the room.

"Where the hell is Justin?" Said Scooter.
"I'm sorry I don't know, isn't he with Selena?" I asked
"Maybe, but I don't know where Selena is." he whispered.
"What should we do?" I asked
"Just take 10 more people and, I will explain everything to the others, they will meet him tomorrow." He said, but I could see he was worried
"Okay" I said and went back to the meet & greet.

Soon the meet & greet was over and I went for a walk


Justin's P.O.V

"I swear I didn't lie to you!! I told you what Scooter said" I said to Selena.

I knew I was already late for meet & greet, but Selena was acting crazy.

"Oh, you didn't, can you stop lying!!!!!!!! I saw you two. Am I lying than? Stop whit your crazy stories, you ass!!!!!
"It was Scooter who had an idea so fans would believe us!" I said , or i should say that I almost screamed
"Stop telling me your stupid stories, I don't believe you, you were lying to me, how much time have you been cheating on me??!" She said
"I never cheated on you, I don't even love her, she is just another famous, rich girl! " I screamed, but my heart broke. I was lying, I loved her.
"Prove it" she said

Ariana's P.O.V

I went for a short walk, soon I heard people screaming, I went nearer and I heard Justin and Selena screaming.
"Prove it" Selena said, that was all that I heard.

Ok, they need some time I said to myself and went back to the bus. I was sitting and thinking near the river, there was a road behind me. I saw Justin coming.

"Hey" I said than I noticed, that he was crying, his eyes were read.
"Why did you do that, why did you kiss me, I have a girlfriend and I love her." He screamed. A tear came out of his eye. Selena was coming right behind him. I was so angry deep inside, I wanted to scream and let it go, I wanted to slap him in his face and left.
I never wanted to see him again. And by the way he lied, he kissed me.

"I'm sorry" I said, my voice was still shaking

Justin's P.O.V

"I hate you" i said, but I was lying, I was screaming inside, I wanted to hug her and told her something, anything.

"Okay" she said, I could see, that she was shaking. She went back to the bus.

I turned around,I saw Selena, she hugged me.
"I believe you now" she said and smiled.


I heard a scream, than a bam, I turned around, I saw Ariana lying on the floor, and there was also a car, that was driving way too fast. I didn't know what happend, I thought I am dreaming, I started running, Ariana was on the floor, there was blood everywhere.

" ARIANA!!!!!!!ARIIIIII!!!!!!!!WAKEEE UPPP!!!!!!!!!!!"i screamed, I was screaming, but she didn't move.

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