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What is life without a little risk? - Sirius Black  (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix) 

I had completed my first full week of working for the Dallas Stars. I sat down after getting back in that Friday afternoon on the couch and sighed deeply.

To work out or not to work out? I wasn't even about to lie, I was not going to work out. Nope. The pizza place up the street was physically calling my name.

I hummed to myself as I searched through my phone from some music to listen to and I finally settled on some old school Kelly Clarkson. I blasted it through the apartment, happy that I was on the end so hopefully no one would complain about it.

I went into my closet and grabbed my signature yoga pants and a crop top, I called the pizza place quickly and out in my order and began the agonizing wait for it to arrive.

I continued with my awkward dancing to Kelly Clarkson and belting out the words to her ballads. My music faded out and my phone began ringing, I groaned and walked over to it, picking it up off of the table and seeing Tyler's name flash across the screen.

"This better be the most important thing that's ever happened," I said once I answered the phone.

"Val," Tyler said quickly, "Emergency meeting, Coach told me to call you. I'm downstairs right now, get down here."

My breathing stopped and I stood still for a moment, "Val! Let's go!" Tyler told me.

"Yeah, shit, okay," I said, jogging towards the door and stuffing my feet into a pair of runners that were sitting there, and grabbing my purse that was sitting there on the floor, "Okay I'm coming," I told him before taking the phone from my ear and hanging up.

I threw open the door and saw Tyler there grinning like a literal maniac at me with his phone still pressed to his ear.

I rolled my eyes and shoved him by his shoulder, "Oh, fuck you," I told him before turning to go back into my apartment.

He was laughing hysterically and followed behind me into the apartment, I turned to face him and saw that Jamie was with him too, "Were you in on this?" I asked him, surprised.

He grinned and nodded his head, I couldn't help but laugh at the look on his face, "Well, fuck you too, Jamie," I said then stuck my tongue out at him.

"Jamie wishes," Tyler said before going into another round of hysterics.

I shook my head with a small smile and looked to Jamie, who was giving Tyler a dirty look.

Tyler finally started to calm down and wiped tears from his eyes, "Oh man that was so worth it."

I laughed and sat down on my couch, "So what are you guys doing here? Don't you need cool down time after practice?"

"Do you not like having us here?" Tyler asked sitting next to me, as Jamie sat on the love seat.

I smirked at him, "Debateable, some days I like Jamie more than you."

"Well that's a fucking lie," Tyler smiled.

I smiled over at Jamie, "Well I don't know...Jamie has been driving me to and from work. So I think he's actually pushed you off that platform," I said, smiling wider as Jamie's face lit up.

It was true, after that second day Jamie always happened to be at the right place at the right time in order to drive me to work, by the Thursday night I told him he might as well just pull into the building complex and I would meet him there instead of on the street since people might start to think I was hooker getting picked up by the same guy all the time. That made him spit out with drink in his SUV.

"So my new best friend is taking my old best friend, and I'm left with nothing," Tyler said sadly looking between me and Jamie.

"You can be tied for second," I offered with a chuckle.

Tyler looked at me, confused, "Second?"

I smiled and nodded, glancing at Jamie and seeing him looking at me confused as well, "Yeah, second. Joey is my first best friend, obviously. You and Jamie came be my second best friends," I told them both.

"True," Tyler said after a moment of weird silence.

"So, anyways," I said, changing the subject, "what are you guys doing here?"

"We were bored," Jamie said with a small shrug.

I nodded, "So I'm the thing that passes the boredom? That's nice."

"Hey, it's a compliment!" Tyler said, leaning his head on my shoulder.

I reciprocated and leaned my head on top of his. It was fucking insane how close I had already felt to the guys, especially Tyler and Jamie. They made me feel at home, even after only a week working with them. They were just such nice guys, and I couldn't help but feel a bond with both of them.

I laughed, "I took it as one!"

I looked over at Jamie just as he took a photo of me and Tyler, "Paparazzi."

Tyler moved his head to look at Jamie, "Send that to me! New lock screen photo obviously."

"That would be super creepy," I told him as Jamie laughed.

"Second best friends for life, so it's okay," Tyler replied, making me laugh.

My phone rang, so I moved away from Tyler and picked it up from the coffee table, and I saw that it was the buzzer calling which equaled pizza time. I answered quickly and let him up, before hanging my phone up once again.

"Pizza!" I called, getting up and going to purse that was abandoned at the door after Tyler's prank.

"Ohh you ordered us pizza?" Tyler asked, almost giddily like a child.

I looked over at him, smiled and shook my head, "No. Neither of you deserve pizza," I told them as the pizza guy started knocking on the door.

I opened it, "Hey," I greeted, holding the money.

"Hey back," he said smiling and looking me over.

I rolled me eyes; he was probably a couple years younger than me. He had a hipster look going on.

"How much?" I asked looking down at the $20 in my hand.

I looked back up and saw him still smiling, "Well, it could be free if I got your number."

"Well, looks like I'm paying for the pizza then," I told him, probably in an incredibly snarky tone.

He scoffed, "Seriously?" he asked.

"Seriously," I heard Jamie say from behind me. I looked and saw him walking through the kitchen to the front door.

I looked back to the pizza guy and smirked, relieved that Jamie stepped up to help me out. The guy went wide eyed as he looked over Jamie. 

Jamie clearly towered over the guy, height and size wise. Jamie had such an intense stare going on that it almost freaked me out for a second.

The pizza guy backed off quickly, "Sorry man, I didn't know."

"Well now you do," Jamie said, taking the money from my hand and giving it to him, then taking the pizza.

"I'll huh, just get your change," he said, digging through his pockets.

"Keep it," I said, then Jamie took my wrist and pulled me gently back into the apartment.

"Thanks," I said once the door was closed.

Jamie's intense glare was replaced with just an incredible kind look as he grinned at me, "He was an asshole."

I laughed and nodded in agreement, finally slipping my wrist out his grasp, "Well, that's true," I said as Jamie handed me my food.

"If you guys woulda told me you were coming by, I would have ordered more," I said, putting the box on the counter in the kitchen and opening it.

Tyler came over and leaned on the counter next to me, "Ahh, beloved pizza. Damn these hockey bodies," Tyler said, before lifting up his shirt revealing his abs.

I looked over at him then down to his abs and rolled me eyes with a small smile, "Your charm might work on some, Seggy, but not me," I told him, picking up a slice of my pizza and taking a bite.

Tyler put his shirt back down as Jamie laughed from next to me, "Oh come on, Val!" he cried dramatically, "Most girls would have killed for that!"

"Most single girls," I said, correcting him, then taking a seat on one of the stools.

"All the girls," he said back.

I smiled and shook my head, "Not me," I said in a sing song voice before taking another bite.

"I literally can't watch you eat pizza because I can't have any," Jamie said.

I smiled over at him, "Sorry not sorry?"

He laughed and shrugged, "I wouldn't be sorry either."

"But seriously, what are you guys up to?" I asked them.

"Nothing," Tyler answered, "We were hoping you were doing something so we could tag along."

I laughed and shook my head, "Sorry boys, the rest of my day is going to be spent cleaning and doing some work for Holy."

Tyler pushed himself away from the counter quickly, "I can't be a part of that, I don't even clean our apartment," he said walking away from me and Jamie towards the door.

I laughed and looked up at Jamie, "True?"

He nodded, "True," he confirmed.

"You leaving?" I called over to Tyler.

He nodded, "Yup. You're lame."

I smiled widely at him, "No I'm not. You're the one with nothing to do."

"You're the one spending a Friday afternoon cleaning," he retorted.

I smiled and shrugged, "Still doing something, unlike you, Seggy."

He smiled and shook his head at me, "Come on, Jamie, let's see what Spezza is up to."

I got up off of the stool and walked to Tyler as Jamie followed behind me, "Well, thanks for scaring the shit outta me, I appreciate that a lot. And I'll see you guys on Monday," I told them, while Tyler opened the door.

Jamie and Ty both laughed, "I'm sorry, but that was worth it," Jamie told me.

I smiled, "I bet."

"Alright, we'll see you later, Val," Tyler said, stepping out into the hallway and walking towards the elevator.

"Bye Val," Jamie said with a smile, before following Tyler.

"Hey," I said, grabbing onto Jamie's arm, causing him to stop and look at me, I smiled up at him and he smiled at me. And I just stared at him; I took in his Dallas Stars hat, his dark brown hair that was slicked back underneath it. I saw his brown eyes were catching the light just right so it looked like they were sparkling. How red his lips looked.

"Val?" he asked, waving a hand in front of my face.


"You were just...staring at me," he stated softly.

I shook my head, "I'm so sorry!" I said, letting go of his arm, "I, um, just wanted to say thank-you for speaking up with that guy, I um, I really appreciate it," I said, finally getting the words out. Why was I stuttering like a goof?

He smiled, "You're welcome, Val. I'll talk to you later?" he asked, backing away from me slowly towards Tyler, who was watching the exchange with a smile.

I nodded, "Yeah, of course," I told him with a small smile as the elevator reached them and they went inside, not before Jamie sent me another smile. I smiled back and they were gone, so I went back into my apartment and sat back at the counter.

Just as I sat my phone went off, I picked it up and saw Joey calling me.

"Hey," I said once I answered, then put it on speaker.

"Hey!" he said back, happily.

I picked up my partially eaten food, "What are you doing?" I asked, taking a bite of the pizza.

"Just at work," he told me with a sigh.

I laughed, "Life of a car salesman."

Joey's family owned a handful of car dealerships, and they signed one of them over to him, so he owned and work at that one.

"You know it!" he said, laughing with me, "I miss you."

"I miss you too," I said with a small smile.

"What were you up to today?" he asked.

I shrugged, "Nothing, finished work, ordered pizza and then Tyler and Jamie stopped by for a few minutes."

"Jamie and Tyler!" Joey cheered, making me laugh, "I can't wait to meet those guys! They sound awesome!"

Joey knew that I had gotten close quickly with those two especially. I told Joey about Jamie driving to work and he was so happy he made me tell Jamie thank-you for keeping me safe and making sure I wasn't by myself getting around. Joey was just happy I was making friends with them so that I was alone in the city.

"They're pretty nice, but they said I was lame because I'm gonna clean so they went to see what another one of the guys was up to," I told him.

He laughed on the other end, "You should have gone with them, you would have had fun!" he told me.

I smiled, "First off, I wasn't technically invited. But I'm cleaning today, so...clean apartment takes priority. It's Friday, I always clean on Friday."

"I know, I know," he told me, having heard it a million times, "You clean on Friday's. I've never noticed."

I shook my head, "Shuddup."

He laughed just as my phone buzzed, I looked down at it and saw at the top that a text had come through from Jamie; I smiled and tapped it, taking me to our stream of messages over the last few days.

From JamieB
I'm sorry for scaring you! Ty's idea 😋

I grinned and typed in my response, as Joey talked about something in the background.

Lol, I figured it was! A little warning next time!

The little bubbles popped up showing that he was typing something, a few seconds later his message popped up.

From JamieB
I promise I will! Is that all you're doing is cleaning today?

I smiled and started typing.

Aha, pretty much! That's my Friday routine! I'll agree with Ty, pretty lame.

Bubbles popped up instantly again.

From JamieB
You're the opposite of lame! Ty's the lame one, obviously.

Lmao, obviously 🙌🏼

I responded and clicked out of the message going back to the phone screen, thinking that I had effectively ended the conversation with Jamie. Joey was still talking about a sale he made earlier in the day, which he seemed to be very excited about, but, granted I had missed out on majority of it. But it buzzed again.

I smiled seeing his name pop up, so again I clicked to our messages again.

From JamieB
Random question time! What is your favourite movie?

I couldn't help the small laugh that escaped me.

"I know right! He was hilarious!" Joey said, laughing.

I felt my face go red, I felt bad for not paying attention to what he was saying, and paying attention to Jamie's texts. I looked back down at my phone, looking at Jamie's question and hearing Joey's voice talking to me.

I sighed slightly and bit my lip. I started typing my reply to Jamie.

A/N - thank you all for reading!! I appreciate it so much!!!!! Let me know what y'all think!!

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