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If you don't expect to like someone and then you do, that's an incredibly exciting moment - Steven Moffat

"What. Just. HAPPENED!" I screamed once the guys and I were back at our floor seats after the meet and greet with the one and only Taylor Swift.

Jamie laughed from his seat next to me, "You just met Taylor Swift!"

I laughed and shook my head, "I can't believe it. I'm like...I don't even know what to do now."

Tyler put his arm around my shoulder, "Are you happy now?" he asked from his seat on the other side of me.

I smiled and nodded, "Yes! I can't believe I just met her! I'm in shock right now! Honestly!"

"Well, we're glad you're having a good time," Tyler said, releasing me from his grasp.

I smiled and looked around at the four guys with me, "Thank-you guys so much!"

Demers lifted his hands up, "Hey, you thank Jamie!" he said with a laugh, "Me, Tyler and Cody had nothing to do with this one!"

I smiled and looked up to Jamie, "Thank-you so much, Jamie," I said, and without thinking, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to hug me tightly, "Thank-you."

His arms wrapped around my waist and held me there, "You're so welcome, Val."

I breathed in deeply, taking in his scent. I couldn't place it...it was his cologne mixed with something. It must have been his body wash.

I pulled back from him and let go of him awkwardly, looking back at the stage as we waited for the openers to come out.

I turned and began aimlessly talking to Tyler and Cody, angling my body to face them to keep my eyes away from Jamie. I was worried they would give away how much the night meant to me, and how I felt my feelings grow for him.

I stood up and sang along with Vance Joy while he was out there on stage, dancing while I did so. Near the end of his set, I looked over to Tyler.

"Hey, I'm gonna go and hit up the merch stand! Hopefully it won't be too busy!" I said to him.

He smiled up at me and nodded, "Alright, I'll be here," he said sarcastically.

I stuck my tongue out at him and turned to Jamie, "Sorry, I just need out," I said leaning down so he could hear me.

He stood up and I turned to the side, to move past him. I was basically pressed up against him, since the space was tight between us and Jamie was a pretty thick guy so he took up some room. I was right in front of him and I looked up at him, with my bottom lip sucked in between my teeth. And I stopped. I couldn't remember what the hell I was doing, or how to move again or anything.

Jamie was watching me and his cheeks began to turn just a slight shade of pink.

"Bathroom!" I heard Tyler call from next to me, and half a second later I was pushed right into Jamie, with Jamie falling backwards onto his seat, his hands grabbed my waist as I lost my balance and fell right into him, where I ended up sitting on his lap.

I looked behind me at Tyler, standing in the aisle way looking at me with an amused expression. I took my hand and flipped him the bird before he walked away from us laughing.

I turned my head away and put my arm back down where it had been when I fell. Which was right around Jamie's neck. I looked to Jamie and jumped up off of him.

"Sorry! Just...sorry, Jamie," I stuttered before scurrying away from him quickly.

I rushed out and into the rest of arena where the food vendors and merch stands were set up, cursing Tyler as I did so.

I flipped my hair to the other side of my head and walked to a semi-empty merch stand, trying to put the uncomfortable-yet-totally-comfortable moment behind me. Why did I kinda like sitting on his lap for a split second? Why didn't I mind being flush up against him. I knew the answer obviously, but I'd never say it.

I smiled at the guy working the merch booth and picked out a shirt, hoodie, keychain and concert program. He placed everything in a bag and I paid before leaving the area quickly.

I went to our entrance and saw Tyler there leaning against the wall smirking at me like the 5 year old child he was.

"Really?" I asked when I was close to him.

He laughed and shrugged at me, "What?" he asked.

I made a fist and punched him in the stomach lightly which only made his laughter grow and he threw his head back laughing. I stood there watching him, trying everything in my power to not join in with him. I was having a hard time hiding the smile that was tugging at the corners of my lips.

"You're such a dick," I complained once he calmed down.

"What?" he asked incredulously, "I had to pee, and you were in my way!"

I shook my head, "You know what's up, Tyler," I told him quietly, as he put an arm around me and leaned down to hear me better, "you know how I feel and this isn't helping."

He looked back at me with a bit of guilt, "Sorry," he said quietly.

I sighed and shrugged my shoulders, "It's done now, you know? I'm just...really, really trying to keep it all at bay. I'm just really confused about it. I know that hanging out with him, and you know, being pushed onto his lap are only gonna intensify them. And I need some space after this is done to calm down."

"I am sorry, Val," he said sincerely.

I smiled a little at him and nodded, "I know. But I also know you well enough to know this probably isn't the last trick up your sleeve to mess with me."

"I'm offended."

I scoffed, "Nothing as ever offended you in your entire life, buddy."

He was silent for a beat, "That also offends me."

I laughed and shook my head as the curtain covering the entrance to our area was thrown to the side and a worried looking Stars Captain appeared.

"There you are," he said to me, his face turning to one of relief, "I was worried, you've been gone for like fifteen minutes."

I smiled at him, "Well thanks, Jamie! I ran into Ty is all," I said, looking up at the scruff covered Tyler.

He smiled over to Jamie reassuringly, "I was just apologizing for pushing her into you is all," he said casually, keeping his arm around me.

Jamie nodded at the two of us and looked down at the bag in my hands, "What'd you get?" he asked me.

I smiled and lifted the bag up, and felt Tyler drop his arm from my shoulder and took a step back as Jamie stood on the other side of me.

I opened the bag and showed him what I had gotten from the merch counter, smiling as I did so.

"I woulda paid if you had told me where you were going," Jamie said into my ear.

My face flooded with warmth as I turned my head to look at him, "its okay," I whispered.

I looked at him and tucked my bottom lip between my teeth once again, "We should probably go in there," I told him, looking into his eyes.

And he was staring at me like he was looking into my freakin soul or something. His stare held so much intensity that it was hard to look away. And I didn't know why I would want to look away from him. I didn't know why I shouldn't lean in and kiss him right then and there. Because I was being pulled to him by some sort of invisible tether.

"Guys!" Tyler called to us, effectively breaking our hold.

I looked back and saw Tyler peeking his head out from the curtain with a semi-shocked look on his face. Had he gone back in after Jamie and I had begun looking through my bag? I didn't notice him leave my side. Nor did I really care if I was being honest.

"She's coming on!" he told us before disappearing again.

I nodded and looked back to Jamie and took a step back from him, "Um...let's get going then," I said, turning around and hurrying back to my seats without waiting for him. Part of my hurrying was to see some Tay Tay Swift. But part knew I needed out of there, because my mind went elsewhere when I looked at him. My mind blanked out and my senses failed me all of the time. I was under a spell when I looked at Jamie Benn.

I got back to my seat with Jamie getting back a few seconds after me. I had my bag at Tyler's feet and let myself get caught up in her concert.

And it was amazing! I stood the whole time and danced and sang along with her. I felt so free, not worrying about Joey or Jamie or the Stars or my feelings or anything at all.

But I caught Jamie quite a few times. I would look over in his direction and he'd be looking over at me. He never tried to hide it. And I never hid the smile that would grow on my face. A smile that always seemed to match his.

A/N - thank you as always for reading!! I'm getting back in the swing of writing this one!! Let me know what you think!! I love reading the comments!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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