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"One can be the master of what one does, but never of what one feels." - Gustave Flaubert

I hiked up my messenger bag further up my shoulder as I stepped out of my building into the already warm weather of Dallas. I was about to walk the short distance to the AAC for my first official day as Social Marketing Manager for the Dallas Stars. This was something that was a dream for me. This was something I had gone to school for and dedicated a lot of time to. Was it further than I wanted to go? Yeah, I mean, obviously it was. But I couldn't pass this up.

I would get some experience and then I would go back up to Vancouver and get a job up there and I'd be set.

I crossed at the set of lights that were right in front of the building to the other side of the street, were I could faintly see the stadium just a few blocks up. Just as I was about the cross the other street someone began honking their horn. I tried to ignore them, not knowing if it was directed at me, but then I heard my name so I turned to see who it was.

A black Range Rover was stopped at the red light, and the passenger window was rolled down, the guy was wearing sunglasses and a hat with the Dallas Stars logo. For a second I didn't know who it was, but I realized as soon as he smiled at me.

"Hey, Jamie!" I said with a smile, as I walked over to the passenger side door and leaned against it.

"Hey, Val! Going to work?" he asked, still smiling at me.

I nodded and looked in the direction of the stadium, "I am! So I'll see you there, yeah?" I asked, backing up away from his car.

"Do you want a ride there?" he asked me.

I giggled, "No, I'm alright. The bit of exercise is good," I said, looking away again, and noticing that my walk signal was gone and it was flashing so I would have to wait until the next opportunity to cross.

He chuckled, "You don't need it, you look great already," he told me, causing me to blush, "But you missed your chance to walk, so you might as well get a ride with me."

I smiled and sighed, opening the car door and sliding in, "I feel like you were distracting me for just long enough so you could drive me."

"Maybe I was," he said with a laugh, as he accelerated.

I did up my seatbelt and adjusted my bags at my feet, "Thank-you," I told him, when I was settled after a few seconds.

"For what?" he asked, glancing at me.

My smile grew, "For offering to drive me, I mean, I know it's right up the road...but still."

We stopped the newly changed red light just before the arena, "Anytime. This could become a ritual if you want?" he asked with a playful grin.

And for some reason my heart felt like it skipped a beat when he looked at me like that. He made me feel warm.

"That's okay," I said with a smile, "I really wouldn't mind the walk," I told him.

He continued to smile nonetheless, "Well if you ever change your mind, you know where I'll be."

"Driving by my apartment at 7:35 in the morning?" I asked with a small giggle.

He laughed as he continued up the road, "Exactly!" he said, just as he turned into the arena parking and found a spot.

He parked and I undid my seatbelt and opened the door, I grabbed my bags and shut the door behind me. I walked around the car to the trunk where Jamie was grabbing his bag.

"Shouldn't you have a lot more shit?" I asked, watching him take out a small duffle bag.

He smiled as he threw it over his shoulder and closed the trunk, "Usually, yeah. But most times I leave my stuff here, I mean, I'm coming back anyways," he said as we started walking together towards the arena to a back entrance.

Take My Hand, Take My Whole Life Too {Jamie Benn Romance}Where stories live. Discover now