The Doctor's Return

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The sound. It was the brakes of the TARDIS. Amy and Rory ducked behind some debris.

"Where are we?" They heard a female voice say.

"I don't know, the TARDIS was following a distress signal." They heard an unfamiliar male voice say.

The distress signal. It must have been Amy praying! Amy and Rory decided to show themselves. They got up, and The Doctor turned around.

"Amy, Rory, is that-"


"How did the Cybermen get here?'


"Okay, the Daleks too."

"Are you my mummy?"

"Oh, hey, I remember him."


"Amy, Rory, quickly get into the TARDIS."

"Doctor," Amy said," Who's she?"

"Her names Clara. Remember Soufflé Girl from the big thing with the Daleks?"

"I see you've regenerated." Rory said.

"Do you think this is a better look?"

"Yeah, you kind of look like that actor Peter Capaldi." Amy said.

"Really? I once traveled to Pompeii and there was this guy who took the TARDIS and called it modern art. I thought I looked more like him."

"Nope, you definitely look like Peter Capaldi,"

"Well, whatever. We have to go."

"Go where, Doctor?" Clara asked.

"If I ever met Amy and Rory again, it would create a big paradox causing New York to be destroyed. We have to go save it!"

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