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They all reached Manhattan soon. They had parted, and Amy and Rory began the hunt. Excited for what shall come next. Far and wide had they searched for the TARDIS. With no luck, they had lost hope.

"Rory, we've been looking for hours. Just call a cab."

Rory tried but no cabs stopped for him.

"Alright, I'll go find a phone box."

Rory paid no attention to his surroundings. He was too depressed.

Why isn't it red? He thought. I guess phone boxes are blue in America.

"The TARDIS!" He exclaimed.


He found the TARDIS. Lucky for them it was unlocked. They walked in.

"Doctor?! DOC-TOR?!" Rory screamed and screamed but as it appeared, the Doctor was gone.

"We've found him." They heard a voice say.

It was Castiel!

"Cass, do you know where The Dictor is?" Amy wondered.

"Yes. I can take you to him."

Rory was smiling, and trying not to laugh.

"Hey Amy", he began,"An angel is in the police box"

He snickered even louder, which led to hysterical laughing.

"Is it really that funny?"

"Hold my hands, I'll take you to him."

They found the Doctor. Once again reunited.

"Amy! Rory!" He screamed.

Now they were back.

"Wait", Amy began,"If Manhattan is still here today, then somehow it survived the paradox."

"You're right Amy."

"Now, we have to stop the Hunger Games. And it'll stay gone this time." Rory said.

They got in the TARDIS and set off on their expedition.

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