Theo Bane: External

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Drowning drowning close to the edge
If only if only I, I could free myself with the ledge
The ledge yes the ledge, jump and fly until my nightmare ends
Closer closer I see the pavement
The time is close for my enslavement
To my deeds great deeds that darkly, drip from my head
I finally hit the ground I now pronounce myself dead.
But not quite yet as
I see myself now cracked and bleeding
my rage slowly seeping seething down the alley
I tallied oh I tallied the ones who had dared to rally against me the great harbinger of pain.
But have I, HAVE I...gone insane perhaps perhaps but enough of that
I feel myself again drowning drowning in all this blood
from the split in my head to the tips off my toes.
Choking choking on the salt
The salt that sets me onto my darkest assaults.
Oh yes that salt that thick crimson salt.
One last lick before I kick the bucket off
I'm free I'm free from my horrible ways
Yet I can't wait I just can't wait  until my judgment day
I'll be more sinister than Satan in the great free fall to oblivion
I shall relish and quell the souls under my belt made of obsidian
As the ledge takes me through my own dark days as I fell
The fates will pronounce me guilty and condemned to hell
Despite all the lives I've taken.
I will never dian to be shaken so 
Bring on the fire and bring on the waves
Whipped and quartered its all just the same for when you are a masochist.... Pain is all the same game.
And the ledge the glorious ledge that had brought me here today
Will be named the killer of the notorious Theodore Bane

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