Chapter 18

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My knees were tightly pulled up to my chest as I laid on my side in my big empty bed.  As soon as I could I made up an excuse about being tired to Caprice so I could get away from her and everyone else in the Cappazo household to be alone in my bed. 

The picture of Romeo straddling that slutty girl flashed in my mind over and over again.  It’s like I had it memorized when I had only looked at it for 30 seconds before I had to look away or risk doing something that would throwing up

And it wasn’t like it was a small kiss or a hug, no; he had that whore trapped between the wall and his body.  He clearly wanted it, and he was clearly the one initiating the kiss.  There was no way this had happened any night but tonight.  People loved uploading photos onto facebook as soon as they happened and he hasn’t been with any other girls since I met him.  He admitted that back when we still hated each other.

I was heartbroken, but I really had no one to blame but myself.  I knew what Romeo’s reputation was and I was a fool for thinking that I was any different from girls he’s dated before.  Why would I be special? I wasn’t special at all.  I was plain, boring, ugly, Fabia Luciano. 

Of course he was going to cheat on me and break my heart..  He probably fed me a bogus story about seeing me when I was 13 at a party and loving me at first sight… it never even happened.  And he definitely never loved me.

The sun set and my room got dark but I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t even shut my eyes or I’d see that picture again in my head.  I couldn’t cry, the only real feeling I had was nausea.  I also couldn’t believe I was so stupid and naïve to fall for him.

I didn’t know how long it had been but suddenly my phone vibrated on the wooden bedside table.  I picked it up and read the screen

2:12 a.m. Message from Romeo

I’ll be home soon baby. I’ve been missing you all night

I instantly deleted his message and stood up from my bed.  I simply walked over to my bedroom door and locked it; there was no way I was talking to him ever again.  Lying back down on the bed I felt my first tear run down my face.  It was hot and seemed to burn my skin on the way down.  I quickly wiped it away, mad at myself for crying.

What was happening to me? I was dating him for a day! Only a day and he hurt me this badly.  I needed to get a grip on reality, the old Fabia  would never have allowed herself hurt like this and I couldn’t do it now.  I haven’t needed a boyfriend in my life and I certainly don’t need one now.  Definitely not when I was engaged to another man and about to get married to save my fathers business.

Probably 15 minutes later there was a soft knock on my door.  My heart skipped a beat knowing it was him but I didn’t make a sound, in fact it felt like I couldn’t breathe.   He knocked again, this time a little louder.  I bit my bottom lip trying to hold back the tears that had begun to fall all over my face before I could stop them.

“Fabia are you awake?” I heard him ask thought the crack of the door as he jigged it trying to get in

I wiped my tears and stayed quite waiting for him to leave. 

“Fabia?! I want to see you”

Again I didn’t say anything.  My eyes burned and the hot tears continually fell down my face.

He jiggled the door some more and I pulled the covers closer to my body.  I heard a latch click and the door opened letting the light in the hallway pour in, “Fabia are you really asleep?” He softly asked stepping in and quietly closing the door behind him.

I didn’t want to say anything but as he approached the bed I tried to get him to stop, “How did you get in?” I chocked out as more tears poured out

“Did you really think I don’t know how to pick a lock?” he asked walking forward with what I’m sure was a big grin on his face

He stopped and took a good look at my face, “Are you crying?” He softly stepped forward and sat on the edge of my bed placing his hand on my leg.  I instantly pulled my leg away, “What’s wrong Fabia?”

“Go check facebook asshole”

He furrowed his eyebrows, “First of all you know when you are mean to me it turns me on and secondly what’s on facebook?” he asked pulling out his phone out of his jeans pocket

“You’ll know it when you see it” I said burying my head into my pillow.  I didn’t want to see his face. 

It was silent for what felt like a lifetime; the only thing I could hear was his fingers tapping his iPhone. 

“Shit” he softly said with fear trembling in his voice

“You can leave now” I mumbled, “We’re over”

“Fabia, this-this- it’s not what you think”

“Oh I’m sorry because I thought it was you eating the face off some girl tonight.  Is that not what’s on the screen?”

“No! Let me explain!”

“Bye Romeo.  I thought you loved me but I was pretty stupid wasn’t I?  Well it was one big mistake and now you can go back to your playboy ways since you never intended to stop them anyway”


“Leave.  We’re over, you played me well.  Congratulations, we were together for 20 hours, maybe your shortest relationship yet”

“Fabia let me explain!”

“Get the fuck out before I go find my brothers to kill you” I yelled sitting up in bed

“This isn’t what you think!” He yelled, “It’s not even from tonight!”

“Stop lying and leave!” I pushed him roughly off my bed he stood up and looked at me.  I saw his eyes watering up but I instantly looked away, I wasn’t going to fall for anymore of his tricks, “GO” I forcefully said

“You know what, if you think I’d do this to you then obviously you don’t deserve me.  Your right, it was one big mistake”

“It was”

With that he turned around and left, slamming the door behind him.  As soon as I heard the door click shut I couldn’t hold back anymore and I began hysterically crying.  I couldn’t help the tears streaming down my face as sobs erupted from my chest.  My heart was in physical pain, it felt like Romeo had put a knife through it.

My first relationship hadn’t even lasted for 24 hours; I should just give up on the thought of ever finding love or finding my happily ever after.  I had my future husband Rocco, and even though he was in the middle of a magical romance with my best friend Duke I know he would always be there for me.  It would have to be enough.

Sorry for the fact that I haven't posted in forever and the fact that it's short.  I'm going to get right to work on the next chapter! Also please vote and leave a message! Seriously you guys are the best! And fyi I can't dedicate a chapter to you if you aren't a fan of mine :)

Also follow me on twitter! I'm so obssed!!/ShaynaMiller

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