Chapter 26

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"I just want to let you know that you don't have to do this Fabia" my brother Enzo said looking down on me with a stern face.

"I love Rocco, I'm happy to be able to marry him for daddy's business" I lied to my brother.  I had been so used to lying about being madly in love with Rocco that it was now second nature to me.

We were lined up in the back of the church in a hallway waiting for the wedding to start.  I was in my gorgeous grand wedding dress and long sheer veil over my face.  I was linking arms with my brothers; Marco on my left and Enzo on my right.  Both of my brothers were in crisp black suits with deep red ties to match the color of the bridesmaid's gowns for my special wedding day.

"I like Rocco too.  He's a good kid" Marco happily said, "I like the entire Cappazo family; it's really a shame that we were enemies for so long.  Stephano is like my brother from another mother"

"Technically he will be your brother by marriage from another mother" I commented

"They are all nice people but I just want to make sure that your ready for this" Enzo said in the same tone my father would have used, "Your 18 years old and that's way too young to get married"

I shrugged, "It probably is.  But seriously I'm happy to be doing this"

"If you're happy, I'm happy" Enzo said as the music began to play from inside the church.  My bridesmaids were lined up in front of my all linking arms with the groomsmen. Everyone looked beautiful; London and Teddy's younger brother Mickey, Nicki and Lorenzo, Caprice and Teddy, lastly, Eva and Romeo.

As they walked out I caught the eye of my best friend Duke as he opened the doors into the hallway.  My heart sank when I saw the dark circles under his eyes and the red tint to his usually bright white eyes.  Romeo was right when he said I was ruining Rocco's life.  But now I was also ruining the life of my best friend Duke.  I was ruining any future that Romeo and I could have had together.

Diego had warned me that I needed to open my eyes to the person who really loved me, he told me that I needed to stand up and fight for what I really wanted.  He said that nothing in life worth having was going to be simple, I would have to fight for it.

The wedding party was walking out in front of me and all of a sudden I couldn't move my feet.  I wanted to run, I wanted to tell Romeo to meet me at the back door and we could run away together  .His Taylor Swift fantasy could come true.

My eyes quickly welled up with hot tears that I fought to keep from falling.  Would I really be able to do this?

Enzo and Marco tried to take a step forward when it was our turn but my feet didn't move, "Fabia?" Marco said turning to me, "Come on"

Enzo quickly saw the tears in my eyes and ushered for Duke to shut the doors.  Duke gave him a confused look but knew to follow my brother's orders.

"Fabia do you not want to do this?" Enzo asked

"Sweetie everyone is waiting, we have to go" Marco said

I thought about three months prior when my father died and Marco was the one who was so against me getting married while Enzo knew it was the smart thing to do.  Now the tables had turned and Enzo was helping me fight against it while Marco was pressuring me to join the family he had already been accepted in.

"I don't know what to do" I cried as my knees bucked below me.  My brothers were holding me so I didn't fall but they gently lowered me to the ground.  My dress gathered in bunches around me as Duke rushed over to my side also,

"Fabia are you okay?" He asked, "Should I go tell them we need five minutes?There are over 400 people waiting"

"Yeah go say we need five minutes" Marco instructed, "Fabia what do you mean you don't know what to do? I thought you were in love with Rocco"

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